Everything, really...

again, tomorrow, yesterday (forever) | was that you I saw | Draper's list | their words | Spinning Plates (excerpts) | A treatise on being, we | back & forth (both) | The past in future tense


lifespringing, hope

At first, I thought I knew what this meant. I was wrong. I have no clue.

'I guess an easier way, a way to say how I feel without all the run on sentences is that what matters in the all too brief, hopefully bright burning life is the little things. Because there are no big things, there are no absolutes, it all ends the same. So you cling to and help create as many of those little well springs of hope moments any chance you can. They come in any number of shapes and sizes. For fucks sake, one may happen to you and you won't even realize it until one dark afternoon, sitting alone, waiting for the dusk to surround you and become night. You, me, sitting there, becoming suddenly struck. Smiling to yourself. That is all there is, that is what matters.'

What does it look like from there? What do you see? How does the puzzle fall together. Tell me.

Celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving
Someone's full of shit.


We Three Jerks


good source

little blue light


only good radio left


unreserved embrace

read, my lovelies