CBS is having second thoughts about their Reagan biopic. It looks like pressure from the RNC is making the network consider showing the already completed four hour minseries starring James Brolin (Babs' hubby) as Reagan and Judy Davis (who apparently turned in a dreadfully over-acted performance)as Nancy on Showtime or not at all. The Republicans want a disclaimer to scroll on the bottom of the screen every ten minutes stating that the show is fictional representation of the Reagans. I think CBS should show the damn thing, and if the Republicans insist on a disclaimer it should read: WARNING: The show you are about to watch is a network made-for-TV miniseries. Like all programs on this genre it is terrible, and should only be watched if you are a lonley, sexually-frustrated dried up old hag.
Now for what you all came to see. What else could I possibly blog about today? Skins, baby, Skins. The team you love to hate. Everyone witnessed the shame that was the Dallas game. It goes without saying that this team is beyond terrible. They're miserable. They're lock-yourself-in-your-closet-and-cry-yourself-to-sleep bad. And they've been that way since Daniel Snyder took over. In fact, as Kornheisner notes in today's Washington Post, you can trace the Skins downward spiral to the day Norv Turner was fired with a 7-6 record. And yet now, it's somehow worse. Now there is an apparently very talented and undoubtedly tough quarterback who may never live up to his NFL potential because of the Balboa-esque beatings he continues to suffer each and every week. He left Sunday's game twice because of injuries, but like Rocky, he kept getting back up off the mat, eager for more punishment. However, for the Redskisn, unlike the Stallion, there will be NO happy ending. The Redskins will never be competitive while Daniel Snyder calls the shots. As long as this over-indulged billionaire is at the helm the team will continue to be run the way a fourteen year-old kid might run it. Big names, flashy pass plays and no victories. There is no chemistry, no discipline and no accountability on that team. And for me, there is no hope.
Kornheiser has some interesting things to say about this whole sad situation. Note that he mentions Lamar Hunt and Art Rooney as examples of owners who sign the paychecks and shut-up. Snyder should take note. That ownership philosophy has led to nothing except a pretty consistent record of competitivness and class.
Finally, check out this scientific examination of the Orndoff Principle from
Peace & Love,