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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 6 November 2003
You're In, Chief
T-Bone, your question made it, although it wasn't really answered:
Baltimore, Md.: You have received considerable rebukes over the past few days regarding your comments about southern voters. Putting aside your poor choice of imagery, it seems to me that you were right. I agree that the Democratic Party must make serious efforts to bring back into the fold disaffected poor, souther, white voters who have traditionaly shared the economic priorities of the Democratic Party. My question is: how do you intend to do this?

Howard Dean: I believe that although I should not have used the symbol of the Confederate flag that the thrust of our strategy is the right thrust. We have to get people to focus on what we have in common in the South and elsewhere in this country. We have to stop the Republicans from dividing us on issues like race and abortion and guns and start focusing on the need for jobs, healthcare and education. that is the way to bring southern white voters back to the Democrats.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:45 AM EST
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Thursday, 6 November 2003 - 11:04 AM EST

Name: Shawn

Cool! Excellent phrasing, really put him on the spot.

That was a really savvy answer on his part; he appears to have learned from Clinton to always accentuate the positive (", healthcare, and education).

Thursday, 6 November 2003 - 11:21 AM EST

Name: Tony

I didn't expect Dean to get into too much detail this early in the campaign, so I like his answer. He said essentially what i've been talking and writing about the last few days. By the way, if it's this easy to get your questions answered by the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, then how the hell can people claim that they're being shut out of the process? (Have you read the comments section to the Andy Rooney post lately?)

Thursday, 6 November 2003 - 11:58 AM EST

Name: Shawn

Yeah, from what I can tell, Dean is the most plugged-in candidate, what with his blog, successful internet fundraising, and now this Post livechat. This makes candidates like Kerry and Gephardt seem even more dated. (Though Gephardt did a livechat recently, too, right? I was probably too busy reading Weingarten to notice.)

Btw, check the Rooney post again! I think he got a response.

Thursday, 6 November 2003 - 3:34 PM EST

Name: Tony

Shawn: All the major Democratic candidates, including Dennis Kucinich, Sharpton and Mosley Braun have done or are doing chats on the post. However, your overall point is well-taken. Dean is "plugged-in" and I think it helps him raise so much money from so many people. And I think that could prove to be a big boost for his campaign, not just fianancialy, but from a PR standpoint.

Thursday, 6 November 2003 - 6:28 PM EST

Name: Shawn

Thanks for the info.

Yeah, being internet-savvy now appears to be a requirement for being a contender.

Well, either that or sitting atop the largest pile of campaign funds ever (I think I heard that about Bush; is that right?).

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