Several Democratic candidates, attending a forum sponsored by the AARP, chastised the organization for their recent support of the Republican-sponsored prescription drug legislation. I have to admit, when I first read the headlines that said "Democrats scold AARP," I was excited. But then, like the Orioles at home, the Dems let me down yet again. The condemnation was met with thundering applause and support by the AARP members in attendance, who are upset with the organization's support of the legislation as well as their plans to spend $7 million to help pass the bill.
Here's a delightful nugget from the Post's story:
"I don't know all about it, but I can't trust big companies and Republicans when it comes to Medicare or Social Security or things like that," said Rose Haley, 70, a registered Democrat.
And the Sun:
"I thought AARP was on our side," Archambault said. "I don't like them spending so much money trying to influence Congress on this."
Posted by thynkhard
at 10:11 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 4:02 PM EST