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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Saturday, 22 November 2003
Saturday Morning Cartoons
There's controversy in the funny pages. Last week's B.C. comic, written by reknown evangelical Christian Johnny Hart, has raised the ire of some Muslim groups for a supposed anti-Islamic slur. What do you think?

The crescent moons are suppossed to represent Islam, and the word "slam" is spelled out in a column, which could represent "Islam." I'm usually not one to buy into hidden meanings, (i.e. "Sloop John B" being about Vietnam) but without the Islamic overtones, this strip is just not funny. But then again, B.C.'s never funny, so maybe I'm a bad judge.

In other cartoon news Family Guy may be returning for a new season next year, based on the strength of its cable ratings and DVD sales. (Thanks loyal reader E. Nelson of Baltimore, MD) If it happens, it will be the first time ever a show comes back to air based on DVD or video sales.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:36 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 22 November 2003 10:40 AM EST
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Saturday, 22 November 2003 - 1:43 PM EST

Name: Marc

I love it! Take that, terrorists.

Monday, 24 November 2003 - 10:34 AM EST

Name: E Nelson from Baltimore

Sloop John B is NOT about Vietnam. Sadly, I can't remember if I'm getting this news from the actual news, Draper or VH1, so it may not be all that valuable.

Tuesday, 25 November 2003 - 10:38 AM EST

Name: Tony

To ease any confusion, I was not suggesting that Sloop John B was about Vietnam. The comment stems from a conversation I had with Nathan a few weeks ago about the Beack Boys and the album Pet Sounds, which we were listening to at the time. He was convinced, as was Joe, that the song was about Vietnam, while I said the song was a cover of an old West Indian folk song, originaly covered by the Kingston Trio.

Tuesday, 25 November 2003 - 11:41 AM EST

Name: E Nelson from Baltimore

Thanks for the correction. I knew I had heard something about this lately--I guess it was from all of you. I really do get more of my news from you guys than from any other source.

Tuesday, 25 November 2003 - 3:36 PM EST

Name: Tony

We Three Jerks is the new ABC News!

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