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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Sunday, 13 June 2004
Colin Blow
You'd have to watch 10,000 hours of Colin Powell to equal the entertainment value in one hour of Christopher HitchensHoly God, am I tired of seeing Colin Powell on the Sunday talk shows. Powell made a clean sweep today, at least on the shows I watch: Fox News Sunday, This Week Without David Brinkley, and Meet The Press.

I understand why the Bush administration wants to put Powell out there, but why do the shows keep putting him on? Is this really what people want to see - is Colin Powell ratings catnip?


Posted by thynkhard at 6:55 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 14 June 2004 12:45 AM EDT
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Monday, 14 June 2004 - 10:34 AM EDT

Name: Sean

I think it's pretty obvious why they don't let Rumsfeld on the air.

Isn't Slate great at pointing out verbal crutches?

Besides, Colin's the only one that will give anything close to a straight answer. Or maybe he's just trying to stick the Sunday talk shows in the face of that assistant who embarassed him on MTP, going ten and 15 minutes seeing what she'll do.

Monday, 14 June 2004 - 12:26 PM EDT

Name: Marc

I really like this one:

Once in a while,
I'm standing here, doing something.
And I think,
"What in the world am I doing here?"
It's a big surprise.

It's like the lost verse to "Once In A Lifetime". Just imagine Rummy in an oversized suit.

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