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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 16 June 2004
Klingons For Kerry
I saw this combination of stickers on a parked car this morning:

Which prompted the question: which US presidents do the Star Trek captains most resemble?

Kirk is clearly JFK - two forceful leaders who aren't afraid to roll the dice in a tough situtation, be it Cuban Missile Crisis or Kobayashi Maru. Picard strikes me as a Wilson type - a righteous egghead who thinks he can reason his way out of any situtation, but sometimes resorts to force in frustration.

I haven't seen enough of either DS9 or Voyager to form an opinion on those captains. From the few episodes of Enterprise I've seen, Captain Archer is pretty badass - the last one I caught had him tossing a alien into an airlock to get information out of him. Andrew Jackson, maybe?


Posted by thynkhard at 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 June 2004 12:46 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 June 2004 - 1:08 PM EDT

Name: Liz

If you're still thinking about this later on, I'll stay with my parents for a few days until it passes.

Wednesday, 16 June 2004 - 3:46 PM EDT

Name: Sean

Thickening the plot -- does that mean Castro is Khan?CASTROOO!!!

I googled Starfleet Academy, seriously thinking for a moment that it was a legitimate institution of higher learning. What I found was this:

The starfleet academy school of Law

Course A2: The Prime Directive
Course A3: Xenojurisprudence
Seminar S3: Enumerating Sentient Rights

And many more!

What worries me more than undertaking classes in the Prime Directive is the rank structure. Do they take and give orders? If so, what for?

Kinda answering my own question after further search. But still pretty scary!

Wednesday, 16 June 2004 - 5:45 PM EDT

Name: Marc

Maybe I can get that master's degree sooner than I thought.

You have to feel bad for the people who didn't graduate cum laude from the Starfleet Academy School of Law, like Captain Cathy Edgington. But as Chancellor Glenn E. Overby II says:

These standards balance the fact that we do this for fun with a desire to have the advanced and honors diplomas mark achievement.

Tough, but fair.

Perhaps to make up for her lackluster performance at Starfleet Law, Captain Edgington is persuing further educational opportunities. In fact, she recently "scored 100% on ALL 4 Sensor Tests!". She should make Fleet Admiral in no time.

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