The Federal Election Commission is considering banning ads for Fahrenheit 9/11 after July 30th:
In a draft advisory opinion placed on the FEC's agenda for today's meeting, the agency's general counsel states that political documentary filmmakers may not air television or radio ads referring to federal candidates within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days of a general election.This is so insane, I am actually hoping they do it. If anyone thought there was a reason for McCain-Feingold besides restricting political speech for the purpose of protecting incumbents (of both parties), maybe this disgusting episode will make them see the light.The opinion is generated under the new McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law, which prohibits corporate-funded ads that identify a federal candidate before a primary or general election.
At least one FEC commissioner (Bush appointee Michael Toner) thinks the ban would be a bad idea:
I think there's evidence that when Congress created the press exemption they intended for it to cover media in all its forms," said Toner. "If a documentary produced by an independent company would be subject to restriction or, equally important, if efforts to promote the documentary would be subject to restriction, I think that is very problematic.Marc