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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Saturday, 3 July 2004
What If You Had A Chance To Kill Hitler?
That's what some people are asking themselves about George Bush. Here's a taste:

I vote to first toture and then painfully kill the piece of **** called Bush!

BUSH IS A WAR-CRIMINAL. do you know what they did to such criminals at nuremburg? they faced a firing sqaud so that they couldnt reproduce or harm anyone again, although i cringe at the thought that Bush would receive a death sentence above his level of dignity. I think he should be hanged by the neck until he's dead, the way they kill dogs for consumption in Korea.

Dubya Bush you are the real follower of Hitler, Stalin and not better than Hussein.
I hope you will realize when the day comes and God put's you into hell.

Insanity seems to be catching. You might want to remember this post from Howard Veit:


Posted by thynkhard at 1:55 AM EDT
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Saturday, 3 July 2004 - 5:48 PM EDT

Name: Sean

AHHH! We need at least a one-month ban on the words "Hitler" and "Nazis" -- by both sides.

O'Reily compares Moore to Goebbels. Saddam is Hitler. Bush is Hitler. Kerry's crazy supporters are Nazi propagandists, endorsed by Hitler himself. Limbaugh calls just about everyone a Nazi. I tried to post this earlier when it came up with the Ehrlich comment by, but there's a law on the Internet that immediately ends any discussion that invokes the Nazis. The invoker has instantaneously lost the argument. The idea is that you're trying to change the subject because you're out of ideas, I believe. The argument becomes "You're a Nazi!" "No, YOU're a Nazi!" and so on until Bush gets reelected.

The Washington Generals of the History Channel need to be given a rest for a while or they''ll lose thier significance.

I've long been concerned about creeping fascism. Goebbels would have had a field day with (consolidated)mass media these days. But people don't realize the way to fight that is to form reasoned aruments instead of reducing the debate to a simplistic difference between red and blue*, name calling, or cheap comparisons to a long-dead dictator.

*Did the Dems and Reps switch colors or is it just me?

Thursday, 15 July 2004 - 2:26 PM EDT

Name: A disgruntled reader

Jerks--where are you?

Thursday, 15 July 2004 - 11:00 PM EDT

Name: Marc

Well, I am done with class for a whole month, so I should be posting more. I compose a lot of posts in my head, but don't get around to actually posting them for some reason.

Tony made a vow to do more posting, but as we now know, he was speaking while under the influence of a broken wrist.

Draper is a dildo.

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