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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 26 August 2004
Swift Boat To Nowhere
Topic: politics
The new LA Times poll is out, which shows Bush ahead (by 3) for the first time in what has been a Kerry-leaning poll all year (Kerry was up by 9 not so long ago). It includes this incredible stat:
Asked how Kerry's overall military experience would affect their vote, 23% said it made them more likely to vote for him, while 21% said it made them less likely; the remaining 53% said it would make no difference.
That is, Kerry's Vietnam record is now a wash. Take away Vietnam and what's left? Mickey Kaus:
Unfortunately, it's more or less all Kerry's got. It wouldn't be so important if Kerry had a) a discernable ideology; b) a political message; c) a record of achievement; or d) an appealing personality!

Posted by thynkhard at 5:36 PM EDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004 - 1:03 PM EDT

Name: Sean

Wow! It's a post bonanza! Kicked out of my office, nothing to do before redeployment to the States except occasionally surf the Internet...

Anyway, classic Rove, a substance-free attack in the scheme of things that goes after the other guy's strength. I guess it was just gravy that one of his Austin friends happened to take over Kerry's old command. I question the timing, though. Is this to set up a platform for the RNC in New York, or would it have been more effective right before the election? I think the latter, unless they have something more devastating later on.

I read (probably on Slate) that he answered these charges first on the Daily Show, managing somehow to screw up an interview with Jon Stewart, who has made Bob Dole amusing, snapping off a line about being recognized in the bathroom, and then capping it off with that dumbass salute.

Did I mention I'm voting Michael Bardnik for president?

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