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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 8 October 2003
How The Unions Killed Detroit; Or, What's Good For GM is NOT Good For America
Ford has lost $6 billion in the past two years. DaimlerChrysler lost $1.1 billion in the last quarter. GM now makes more money selling mortgages than selling cars. Meanwhile, the Japanese car companies (made in North America by non-union workers) are cleaning up.

So what is the answer? Detroit sez: Big Government! The Big Three have endorsed the prescription drug benefit as a means of reducing their own massive obligations to union retirees. I hope against hope that the next president will have the guts to let the Detroit dinosaurs die a natural death (this President doesn't).


Posted by thynkhard at 8:27 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 October 2003 8:28 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 October 2003 - 12:25 PM EDT

Name: Shawn

I think American Cars jumped the shark when Cadillac gave Snoop Dogg his own brand.

Thursday, 9 October 2003 - 1:49 PM EDT

Name: Liz

But I want a Snoop DeVille!

Wednesday, 15 October 2003 - 10:55 AM EDT

Name: Shawn
Home Page:

A week without a post! Are you guys on vacation or something?


Thursday, 16 October 2003 - 4:40 PM EDT

Name: Marc Nelson Jr.

Yeah, the other scumbags have gotten lazy, and I had to unplug my computer to make room for the Canadian Thanksgiving shindig. I'll probably be up and running tomorrow.

Friday, 17 October 2003 - 2:35 PM EDT

Name: Shawn

Canadian Thanksgiving? Please explain! That sounds made up.

Tuesday, 21 October 2003 - 2:34 PM EDT

Name: Marc Nelson Jr.

Just another holiday those Canucks ripped off. Just like Canada day is July 3rd (what a coincidence), Canadian Thanksgiving is in the fall - the 2nd Monday of October, I believe. Their whole reason for being is that they are not America, but they are secretly dying to be more like us.

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