I've got alot of links today, so here goes:
Some unsurprising but nonetheless alarming news about infants and toddlers and how much time they spend watching TV, DVDs and playing on the computer and how much time they don't spend reading or being read to. I'm going to email this link to my mother as well. As you know, Lucas and Maggie each have a television in their room and have for a couple of years. I know I watched a lot of television as a child, but I also played three different sports all year until I was in sixth grade. Then I dropped football, picking it up again in 7th grade. Meanwhile I played basketball until 8th grade and baseball through at least the summer after my freshman year of High School. The point is, I was outside or engaged in activities other than television for a large part of my time as a youngster, and I still watched too much TV. Kids today watch even more television than I used to and do even less outside.
I've got three political links, all involving the Democratic nomination. Edwards (Some good stuff in here about what voters want out of candidates) campaign is faultering, but why. He's got money (or did, before he starting outspending what he was taking in), good looks and charm and is from the South. So why is he struggling? I think it's because he's vacuous and people can smell it on him...Sharpton went after Dean the other day, although his real target was Rep Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL), who has offered his support to Dean. Sharpton called Dean anti-black. Donna Brazille, my new best friend since she pressured Carole Mosley Braun to jump in this race in order to siphon off votes from Sharpton, called Sharpton's comments ridiculous. In my opinion, this can only help Dean...David Broder chided the New York Times today for congratulating a couple of candidates for eschewing New Hampshire and Iowa. He called the Times "snobbish."
Sally Jenkins has a few choice words for the Danny regarding how you run a professional football team. Also, note that the Skins, maybe the team with the worst chemistry and cohesion in all of professional football, are going after a former Oakland Raiders player who even the Raiders found morally repugnant. Nice.
Until next time kids,