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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 16 October 2003
What Donkeys and Cubs have in Common
The Democrats are starting to sort themselves out. With nine candidates in the race the money is spreading thin. According to the Post Kerry, Edwards and Gephardt all spent more than they raised last quarter. Lieberman just broke even, so expect him to be in the red next quarter. Dean and Clark seem to have a lot of cash locked up. President Bush, however, just raised something like $46 million dollars this quarter, and that's on top of anything he's already raised plus the fact that he's barely spent anything at all. Quite a monster, that Bush is. While we're on the subject of Bush, let me put something out there that i've said a couple of times. Poll numbers currently show Bush trailing a Democratic candidate (pay attention to the Newsweek poll). That number will go up after a Democratic candidate is named, because that candidate's negatives will drive up the president's numbers. Though he trails against an unnamed Democratic oppenent, he's already beating all the candidates one on one. And, may i remind you, he hasn't even fucking started yet. So, Bush-haters: Don't get too excited. Remeber, Reagan's approval numbers were faltering at about this time in 1983. The president has the money, machinery and party organization to win and win handily.

And finally, What the Fuck happened to those Cubs? I think I believe in witchcraft now, after having witnessed that.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:12 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 October 2003 - 2:34 PM EDT

Name: Shawn
Home Page:

One of my co-workers figured out that the Cubs still would've won if the shortstop hadn't made that error.

Now they're gonna make a movie about Steve Bartman (that fan), with Kevin James playing him.

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