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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 16 October 2003
A Midday Blog, What a Treat
Before I get into the real heavy shit, let me just say: "Kudos Mr. D"

Two links from the Post that i would like to draw your attention to. Congress is working out the detials of a means-testing provision for Medicare. If that could get through we may have cleared the biggest hurdle preventing means testing in Social Security. However, it seems Sen. Windbag (D-MA) has problems with the measure, and threatened a veto last June to prevent it's passing. (NOTE: These "facts" may be wrong, as i've only read the article once and did not fact check this blog.)

Also, with the Pope celebrating his silver anniversary and the scheduled beatification of Mother Theresa this Sunday, Rome is chock-a-block with activities. Check out this article on Mother Theresa-mania that's sweeping the city. Also, I reccommend the Hitchens book mentioned in the article, and have a copy if anybody's curious.

Well, that's all the blogging for now. Sleep tight kids.


Posted by thynkhard at 4:08 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 October 2003 4:21 PM EDT
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Friday, 17 October 2003 - 2:07 PM EDT

Name: Shawn
Home Page:

I'm very curious! I've been following Hitchens' take on MT in the media of late (article in Slate and saw him on 60 Minutes talking about it (I was suprised and elated to learn that he was actually invited to Rome to argue against MT's canonization, even though it was inconsequential.).

Any interesting details you gleaned from the book would be much appreciated! It's always refreshing to hear someone challenge a universally-accepted idea such as MT's saintliness.

Friday, 17 October 2003 - 2:14 PM EDT

Name: Shawn, again

I've been talking up means testing for years; it's an idea whose time has come.

I see SSI (ideally) as a welfare bureau, not a pension/insurance one. I think a lot of the problems with it could be solved if it was viewed that way; means testing and min. age increase would come sooner, perhaps. (Current workers would be more vigilant over how the money's spent, as they'd see it for the wealth transfer that it is, and the question of "how old is too old for someone to work?" would actually be debated for once.)

Saturday, 18 October 2003 - 10:51 AM EDT

Name: Marc

Is Hitchens a Catholic? I would have assumed he is C of E. Who cares what non-Catholics think about someone's canonization (says the non-Catholic)?

Monday, 20 October 2003 - 11:08 AM EDT

Name: Shawn

Good point. Hitch is an athiest; I guess he's trying to win some converts.

Thursday, 23 October 2003 - 10:42 AM EDT

Name: Tony


It's been sometime since i've read the Hitchens book, but there are still a couple of things I do recall. MT has little to no medical training and neither does her staff. Her "hospitals" are just places for people to die. Her order is flush with cash and yet makes its followers live in abject poverty. The order's money, which is bountiful, has not led to the building of a hospital or medical center. She has close ties to Haitian dictators. The next time I see you I will bring the book with me.

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