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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 30 October 2003
A Blog a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
I began preparing for this blog earlier this morning, but I got interupted by a group of Seniors who had arrived for their tour of the building. I had a group and was surprised to find them pleasant, bright, inquisitive and altogether enjoyable

Wow, what a blog explosion the last couple of days. I'm totally knocked off my blog. It's hard to believe, but there has been glowing praise of Donna Brazille on this blog for two days in a row. But your right Marc, she seems intelligent when she doesn't have to spin for Al Bore.

Although President Bush is going to take credit for the economy growing so fast last quarter, I'm attributing it to the fact that Jason got his refund check last quarter. He's possibly singularly responsible for the jump in consumer purchasing. ZING I think the Democrats still have a fight here, because we have yet to see sustained growth since 9-11. Further, it seems that this recovery is occuring without a great many jobs being created, keeping the unemployment number at about 6%. If this number doesn't improve, and it very well might, people are still going to consider this a weak economy. These numbers won't matter as much to people if they or their neighbors or family continue to be unable to find work. As a matter of fact, Marc, maybe you could blame the whole Discovery Store fiasco on this "jobless recovery." ZING

In straight eye for the queer guy news, Lay-Z-Boy has just released a new line of furntiure designed by and aimed at the hipster crowd. I'm not sure why any of us will care about this, although I'm fairly certain that we will.

The National Institutes of Health is facing criticism about certain studies they've been conducting that D.C.-based church groups find "smarmy." The article lists several studies they've conducted, some of which sound outlandish, to say the least. The real question is, as I see it: Since these studies are conducted and funded by the government, does the public have the right to evaluate them based not only on scientifc value but their own sense of morality and cultural values? Or, since our form of government is a republic, and not a pure democracy, and the NIH members are appointed by elected officials but not elected themselves, can the NIH, overseen by members of the executive and legislative branch, conduct research as it sees fit under the law? It's a sticky situation, I think, but I would have to lean toward the latter answer.

Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the Greg Easterbrook affair, basically saying that there is some real anti-Semitism in this world and to leave this guy alone.

I had decided to refrain from Redskins related bloggery, but since Marc brought it up, here goes. I'm worried about this Russell character, but Wilbon has hope. And, for the time being, so will I.

The Times-News is reporting that a drunk drive caused about 1800 people to lose power the other day. The most interesting part of this is that I think I know the guy who did it. The driver was identified as Thaddeus Terrance Carolan, 26. If this is the right Thad, he graduated from Walsh one or two years ahead of Draper, Joe and I. Further, if this is the Thad I'm thinking of, I took American History with him in High School. Jason, Joe: Do you think this is "our" Thad? I mean, how many Thads can there be in Allegany County?

Jason asked me to post the HTML code for getting words to scroll. I can't figure out how to post code, so just check the source code on my Rod Roddy post.

Peace & Love,

Posted by thynkhard at 12:54 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 31 October 2003 10:20 AM EST
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Thursday, 30 October 2003 - 3:22 PM EST

Name: Draper

Pride of Bishop is our Thad...hooray for tha catholic edukation!

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