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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Friday, 12 December 2003
GAULD! (or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Orndoff Principle)
The Orndoff Principle is out in full force today. Every article in this blog post helps to prove that my axiom that everything now is worse than it used to be is undoubtedly correct.

My first example comes from the world of sports, where Kerry Collins criticized Bruce Smith through the New York media. Collins' consecutive game streak is over, largely because of a hit that Smith laid on him during last Sunday's Redskins - Giants game at Giant Stadium. Smith, whose sack of backup Jesse Palmer put him past Reggie White as the all-time sack leader later in the game, hit Collins after the play had been blown dead for a delay of game penalty. Should Smith have hit Collins? Probably not. Should Collins have whined about it to the press. NO. Trust me, you'd never see Johnny U or Billy Kilmer doing anything like that. GAULD!

Next comes word that Korey Stringer's family is being asked to pay the Minnesota Vikings $47,000 since their case against the team was thrown out of court. Stringer died of heat exhaustion during training camp before the team's 2001 season. His family then sued the team, doctors, the makers of his pads, virtually anybody they could, in an effort to make up for Stringer's lost salary. This is actually a gauld coming through the back door. I'm glad this family's gotta pay, but I'm gaulded by the whole damn situation. I don't think you can hold an NFL team responsible for the physical toll playing football takes on a person, even if that toll includes death. Football is a rough game, and often a cruel one. Stringer's family should have been more than satisfied with the benefits that I am sure they collect from the Player's union and their ability to trade on his name and likeness, which I'm sure they can make a few bucks out of. Playing professional football is an honor and a privlege, and not something that is gotten into lightly. Every player knows that the next play could bring the end of his career, or permanent damage or even death. I didn't see anybody suing the Chicago Bears when Dick Butkus retired and realized his hands were gnarled beyond recognition, or when Dick "Night Train" Lane would clothesline, rather than tackle, anybody who got in his path. GAULD!

Turning to the world of entertainment, MAD-TV is under fire from a postal employees union for an upcoming sketch in which postal employees argue over who has the right to "go postal" first. The postal workers are upset because the instances of workplace violence at post offices has droppped signficantly. They want their members to protest the show and for the sketch to not air on Saturday. Like most of the stuff on MAD-TV, I'm certain that this sketch is not funny and probably offensive and certainly simple-minded. However, this is America, and you have the right to be as unfunny and stupid and offensive as you want to be. You know, as long as you don't say "piss" or "shit" or anything. GAULD!

And now the biggie. The one that really got my blood boiling. Taking a cue from New York City and Montgomery County, among others, Ireland is trying to institute a ban on smoking in all workplaces, including pubs, by next year. If you visit this link, you'll note that several people seem to be in favor of the ban because it might help them quit smoking. I don't know if I even need to say this, but it's not the government's responsibility (even in Europe) to help you stop smoking. You know who I blame this one on: Baby Boomers.

Boomers, the demographic I hate less than old people but more than young people, have realized that all their years of recklessness have taken their toll and they can longer continue to behave the way they used to. They used to fuck anybody they wanted to, do whatever drug they could get their hands on and smoke and drink every day. But Boomers, who have a strangle hold on power in this country, have decided that since it's no fun to quit and stay sober by yourself, let's make everybody quit. Instead of people being able to make their own decisions, the Boomers have decided to outlaw any substance or activity that is harmful. Now that they've fucked all they can, done all thier drugs and smoked and drank until their throats were bloodied and sore, the party's over. GAULD!


Posted by thynkhard at 5:29 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 12 December 2003 5:39 PM EST
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Friday, 12 December 2003 - 5:51 PM EST

Name: Tony

Editors Note: The picture that accompanies this post was suppossed to be a tall, frosty Guiness because the article about smoking in Ireland mentions the heaven-sent beverage several times. However, while I was looking for a suitable pic, I found this. I thought it might help lighten the mood of my otherwise gauld-heavy post. Enjoy!

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