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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Saturday, 20 December 2003
Blue Hens win title, nobody a dickhead
The Delaware Blue Hens captured the NCAA Division I-AA championship last night, in a 40-0 defeat of Colgate. Delaware finished the season 15-1, including playoffs. Yes, playoffs. Now, I don't want to spend this blog post ranting about the BCS, there's really no mystery about how I feel about that unmitigated piece of garbage. So, I'll focus on something positive for a change. While watching the highlights of this game on Sportscenter this morning (I had Christmas Shopping I had to attend to last night) I found myself smiling. Each time I saw a Delaware player score a touchdown, he quietly handed the ball to the ref, gave a couple of high fives to his teammates and then got back to the game. There were no dances, no phone calls, no Sharpies, not even a spiking of the ball. And this team was in the midst of winning a National Championship, on live nationwide television. And they were not only destroying Colgate, but were on their way to the first shutout ever in a I-AA Chapionship. And yet, restraint, humility and dignity were all on display.

If these kids can behave like grown men, why can't the grown men in the NFL behave that way? Is it the money, the fame, or the fact that nobody ever tells these guys no?

Jim Haslett excused Joe Horn's behavior last Sunday by saying he's "only 32." I really hope Haslett and Horn were watching last night, and I hope each one of them felt about two inches high after watching the Delaware players behave with such grace.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:16 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 20 December 2003 10:40 AM EST
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