Tuesday, 17 February 2004 - 9:10 AM EST
When I logged on to MSN this morning I saw the cover of the latest Newsweek. It shows Bush and Kerry around the time of Vietnam and asks the question of how this war will haunt them. I understand what a defining moment the Vietnam war was for the Baby Boom generation, but it's time to move on.
We cannot allow this election, the first since the most devastating terrorist attack on U.S. soil, to be a vehicle where we rehash the Vietnam war. Nor can we allow it to be about petty, personal matters. There are big, big issues at stake here, and the refusal on the part of politicians and the media to confront these issues, for whatever reason, is a display of personal cowardice and professional ineptitude. I couldn't agree with the above quote more. It's a sentiment I've expressed a couple of times over the past few days.