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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 18 February 2004
A shout out to Steve Simpson
I hate to pour water on the obvious joy that Marc gets in hating John Zogby, but this poll really isn't that far off base. Look at this AP analysis of exit poll results as it appeared in the Guardian:

TIME OF DECISION: Almost six in 10 voters decided in the last week, including about two in 10 who decided in the last three days and almost that many who decided Tuesday. Edwards led by a 2-to-1 margin among those who decided in the last three days. Kerry led by 30 points among those who decided in the last month or earlier. Edwards got major newspaper endorsements in the closing days of the campaign and performed well in a debate Sunday night. More than six in 10 independents decided in the last week, and Edwards got half of them.

The Zogby poll was taken on Friday and, as the exit poll results show, Edwards made great strides by Tuesday. By looking at this poll, the results and the exit polls, we see that Edwards was able, in the waning moments of the contest, to take votes away from Kerry in order to secure his suprising second place finish. Further, Zogby's Dean number is only about five points off the final result, and when you factor in margin of error, that's not bad.

Polls should never be designed nor interpreted as if they will predict the winner and the margin, although sometimes they can. They are a snapshot of the race at the time the poll was taken, with a shelf-life of, at max, a couple of days. I think Zogby's analysis (as if his numbers preclude the need for an actual vote) is wrongheaded. But, I don't see this as an example that Zogby's a fraud.

Posted by thynkhard at 3:12 PM EST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004 - 4:03 PM EST



Wednesday, 18 February 2004 - 4:03 PM EST

Name: Tony

By the way this is my post. I tried to get in and add my name, but I keep getting a fucking error message, so I thought I'd just add some things in the comment section.

I haven't seen Zogby's questions, but it looks like he almost forces people to make a choice. If that's the case, then his numbers would be softer than normal, because obviously there were a number of people who hadn't decided, even by Tuesday. This would seem to be the major flaw in Zogby's research. Also, people who switched candidates over the weekend would have probably listed themselves as "undecided" in the exit polls, even though they considered themselves committed on Friday. This would also help to account for the seemingly large disparity between the Zogby poll and the final results.

Wednesday, 18 February 2004 - 4:04 PM EST

Name: Walter Lackey, Moderator

Marc--Life is too short to go on hating pollsters.

Wednesday, 18 February 2004 - 4:09 PM EST

Name: Tony

I said the poll was taken on Friday. It was actually taken between Friday and Sunday. But my overall point still remains, because the endorsements and the debate performance would not be reflected in Zogby's numbers.

Thursday, 19 February 2004 - 2:15 AM EST

Name: Sean

What was wrong with John Zogby?

Thursday, 19 February 2004 - 4:10 PM EST

Name: Marc

Not that I need any justification for my irrational hatreds...

But, he missed Edwards by 14 points! I guarantee you he was the only guy who had Dean ahead of Edwards. This is Zogby's pattern - to have poll numbers that stand out from the crowd, which allow news organizations who buy Zogby's polls to have something different to write about than the competition.

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