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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Monday, 23 February 2004
Thousand Yard Stare
From Mickey Kaus:
1) GOP Senator Saxby Chambliss criticizes Sen. Kerry's "32-year history of voting to cut defense programs and cut defense systems."

2) Kerry responds:``I don't know what it is about what these Republicans who didn't serve in any war have against those of us who are Democrats who did."

If Kerry's response to every substantive GOP charge about his record as a Senator is going to be 'I served in Vietnam,' it'll be a long campaign. [You mean "long"="tedious" or "long"="losing"?-ed. Both! Expand pls--ed. a) It will get old very quickly; b) It's not a rational response to a question about his defense voting record. "I support a robust defense but not wasted spending that leads to crippling GOP budget deficits" would be a rational response.]


Posted by thynkhard at 9:11 AM EST
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Monday, 23 February 2004 - 9:52 AM EST

Name: Sean

Well it follows the George W. Bush style of campaigning, which is to stay on message at all costs. If anything is taken out of this campaign, the people will remember that John Kerry served in Vietnam.

Fill in the blank! I served in Vietnam. Therefore ___________.

a. We should get out of Iraq now.
b. Nuke the place.
c. Stay there and fight it out.
d. I saw a really cool Dylan show for free.

That's the problem with bringing up the Vietnam service is that it doesn't mean anything unless he learned something from it. A logical conclusion must be reached instead of bickering over dates Bush flew an obsolete plane while he was coked up and making his girlfriend have an abortion.

Monday, 23 February 2004 - 11:17 AM EST

Name: Marc

Right on. I love your multiple-choice question. By the way, what do your fellow defenders of Albanian freedom think of Kerry?

Monday, 23 February 2004 - 6:23 PM EST

Name: Sean

He's not cutting the mustard with the troops as far as I can see.

The big hangout is the 24 hour chow hall where the political discourse is for Bush. The most vocal Soldiers understandably care about winning the war, that it's not being reported correctly, and see through the smokescreen that implies Kerry will take us out of Iraq.

Among my immediate unit members, the prevailing opinion is that Bush fucked up and Kerry is fake.

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