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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 26 February 2004
Finally, a high-ranking government official has come right out and stated the obvious. Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, in testimony given to the House Budget Committee yesterday, said that Social Security benefits that have been promised to future retirees must be cut in order to deal with a ballooning long-term federal defecit. Greenspan urged Congress to consider spending cuts before tax increases, although he noted that both would probably be necessary in order to deal with the impending budget crisis. Although Greenspan again urged that current retirement benefits should not be cut, he listed two specific ways in which Congress could cut spending: gradually raise the retirment age to reflect the increased life expectancy of Americans, and linking cost of living increases to something other than the Consumer Price Index, which many experts believe over-states the rise of overall prices.

Hopefully we'll look back on this testimony as the beginning of a long and sometimes painful (but nonetheless neccessary) reexamination of entitlement programs in this country.


Posted by thynkhard at 2:53 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 26 February 2004 3:23 PM EST
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Thursday, 26 February 2004 - 7:05 PM EST

Name: Sean

Hopefully we'll look back on this testimony as the beginning of a long and sometimes painful (but nonetheless neccessary) reexamination of entitlement programs in this country.

When the Commander in Chiefs' response is something along the lines of "I don't think the benefits should be cut for those near retirement," can there be an honest reexamination.
And lets face it. If I need to wait until I'm 70 or 80 to collect my 300 bucks a month or whatever it is, fuck it. Give it to the poor. Put it in a college fund for my great grandkids. Send it on a slow boat to Shanghai for all I care because if that's how I'm making my living at that point I obviously did something wrong and deserve to get beaten by those crooked orderlies in the old folks home my pissed off kids shuffled me off to.

Friday, 27 February 2004 - 8:10 AM EST

Name: Marc

Yeah, if you want to see the lion laying down with the lamb, all you have to do is talk about cutting Social Security.

Unfortunately, this problem will be even harder to address in the coming years, as the elderly form an ever-larger share of the vote. Politicians of both parties will continue to pass the hot potato until one year when SS outlays exceed revenues and everyone in Washington shits themselves.

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