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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Saturday, 6 March 2004
The rubber grits circuit
John Kerry's flirtation with writing off the South in his bid for the presidency this fall may be coming to an end. The Massachusetts Senator and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee began a campaign swing through the South that included a lunchtime meeting with Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (a possible Veepstakes winner) yesterday.

This is a good sign for Democrats, who risked losing any chance they had at Southern Congressional seats, particularly in the Senate, if Kerry's campaign decided not to pursue southern voters. It's also good news for Kerry, who would have faced tremendous difficulty cobbling together a winning coalition if he chose not to compete in the South. Not only would he need to capture every state that Al Gore won in 2000, but he would also have to pick off one of the red states, no small task against a sitting president. Complicating matters even more is the prospect that a non-southern electoral srategy could put Kerry on the wrong sides of a number of issues (particularly cultural issues) that are as popular in suburban Ohio and Pennsylvania as they are throughout the South.

Kerry aides indicated yesterday that their focus on the South could result in a southerner being put on the ticket. This would probably be a wise move on Kerry's part, as the last Democratic ticket to win without a Southern was in 1944 (Roosevelt - Truman, for the curious).

Kerry has an advantage in the upcoming election that Democrats haven't had in a long time. The liberal base is energized and focused on winning, and has been willing to put some differences aside in their efforts to oust President Bush. If Kerry takes advantage of this and doesn't let Bob Shrum whisper in his ear too much, (and with the economy still struggling) he just might have a fighting chance.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:43 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 6 March 2004 10:51 AM EST
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Saturday, 6 March 2004 - 2:26 PM EST

Name: Marc

Well, this is a good thing for everyone, although I still don't think Kerry competing in the South means Kerry winning anything in the South. It's just bad policy for a national party to write off 1/3 of the country.

Great title.

Saturday, 6 March 2004 - 2:32 PM EST

Name: Tony

That's a good point about Kerry's chances in the South. It's likely, in fact probable, that even if he moved into a trailer in rural Alabama he's not going to win in the South. His only hope, as I alluded to, is that since his base is shored up he has the ability to run a centrist campaign without constantly checking his left flank. Gore didn't have that chance because the Democrats, who had just been in the White House for eight years, weren't hungry enough to focus on the bottom line.

The working title was "The rubber chicken fried steak circuit," but I thought the title I used had a little more pop.

Saturday, 6 March 2004 - 3:33 PM EST

Name: Sean

I love photos of people eating. It brings them down a peg or two.

Saturday, 6 March 2004 - 3:48 PM EST

Name: Tony

I'm glad you mentioned the photo. If memory serves, this was taken of Kerry early in the campaign, during a stop in Philly. While attempting to be "one of the guys" he ordered his cheesesteak with Swiss and then ate it like the dainty little Yale priss that he is. At first I thought it might be mean to include a photo like this in a relatively straightforward piece about Kerry, but then I remembered that I don't like him.

Monday, 8 March 2004 - 2:10 PM EST

Name: Liz

If you could work in the GQ cartoon of Gephardt eating pie, that would be great.

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