I watched a show on PBS last night that really set off the old outrage.
It was an episode of "The Morrow Report" about the impact of Proposition 13 on California public schools (Prop 13 limited property taxes and required supermajorities to raise them). The message was essentially "raise taxes or the kids get it" - a message delivered by ACLU lawyers, journalists, and leftist non-profits.
So here we have a perfect example of the liberal cocoon at work: a program funded by rich liberals, quoting rich liberals in order to persuade the rich liberals watching the show, who can tell their rich liberal friends about it, and they can agree that "everyone" knows taxes are too low.
Liz told me about a coalition meeting she attended full of union types and liberal non-profits. Someone from the teacher's union said, "Governor Ehrlich has abandoned his responsibility to raise taxes." This is what passes for common sense inside the cocoon.