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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Tuesday, 9 March 2004
Working For A Living
Welly, welly, well. My first two days of training have gone pretty well. Most of what I will be doing at the circulation desk is on the computer, and I have a big head start on my fellow circulation assistants there. Along with a anime fan who is younger than me, I am the only person under 35. I am also the only male.

Lest you think everyone who works in a library is a stuffy old maid, read this month's issue of BUST, which features a piece on hipster librarian chicks (and some nice pictures of Tina Fey). The story also mentions a few library-related blogs, such as The Lipstick Librarian and, and a picture of a "library action figure". The male librarian stereotype is not much more flattering. Linda Absher of Lipstick Librarian envisions a male library action figure "wearing a spotty, yellow knit tie and a sweater vest".

Come to think of it, I did wear a sweater vest on my interview (but with a brown tie!).


Posted by thynkhard at 4:07 PM EST
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Tuesday, 9 March 2004 - 5:43 PM EST

Name: Sean

I have to say I thought BUST was a whole magazine devoted to hipster librarians every month, which would have made it ten times better. I had a whole interview mapped out in my head with Tina Fey.

Q) What's your favorite part of the card catalog?
A) you know, I don't know...

Q) How do you feel about the Dewey Decimal System?
A) Ummm....

Q) What overdue library are you hiding from the authorities right now?
A) This interview is over!

Thursday, 18 March 2004 - 12:42 AM EST

Name: The LL
Home Page:

If you wore a clean sweater vest, we as a profession will forgive you....

The LL

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