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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 6 May 2004
Mary-Kate and Ashley's Supercool Guide to Presidential Nominating Conventions
Former Vice-President and Democratic Presidential nominee Al Gore has announced plans to launch an all-news cable channel aimed at 18-34 year olds. The channel, which currently broadcasts news programmed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, will not be a liberal network, but instead will be designed to cater to the tastes of young people.

I am outraged over this development. And more than a little humiliated to find out that there is an assumption that because of my age I cannot understand news from traditional sources.

But beyond my humiliation (which is, admittedly, nothing new), how will this new network look different from, say, CNN or MSNBC?

Gore said the network will be "an independent voice in this industry" with a primary target audience of people between 18 and 34 "who want to learn about the world in a voice they recognize and a view they recognize as their own."

And whose voice might that be -- Eric Cartman?

There is a glut of news out there, boys and girls, and if you don't understand that by now, then, frankly, we're all better off with you staying home and watching wrestling. Remind me again why we want people who can't be bothered to read a newspaper or listen to NPR to become engaged. What value is there in convincing people who are so fat-ass stupid and lazy as to assume that politics isn't relevant to them that they should listen up?

You know, I might actually be able to get behind this idea if I thought for even one second that by catering to a young audience, it might mean that the network will focus on news that the Boomer-driven media ignores. Like, for example, the looming Social Security crisis. But we all know that what is meant by a young-persons network is one in which the shallow reportage is done at a break-neck pace while the highest paid people in the building (aside from on-air "talent") are the graphics team.

Like so many other things, this is a generational issue. It is yet another example of the Baby Boom generation's sad desire to remain forever young by forging a bond with young people that simply doesn't exist. It also goes to the arrogance with which Boomers view younger Americans.

Ya see, the boomers -- the "hip" generation-- they dig that we young cats simply aren't diggin' the news media's trip. But here comes Colonel Gore and the Groovy Grove Brigade to rap with us, ya dig? Maybe if the Electric Gore-Aid Acid test can lay their groove on us (by, what, hip-hop bumper music, flashier animation, a phalanx of Gideon Yago-esque reporters asking about underwear and cereal preferences?), we'll tune in, brother.

Thanks for the effort, Al, but I've got all the news I need (and then some) already.

I've got Germond and Novak, Broder and Will.

I've got All Things Considered and Hardball.

I've got Meet the Press and Fox News Sunday.

And I've even got C-SPAN, not to mention blogs like this one and Google News.

I don't need your condescending efforts to engage me in politics. And if anybody out there does, let me reiterate: Go home, turn on Spike-TV and don't worry about it. We'll get along just fine without you.


Posted by thynkhard at 11:38 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 7 May 2004 11:07 AM EDT
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Thursday, 6 May 2004 - 11:50 AM EDT

Name: Eric C.

Screw you guys...I'm votin' for Nader.

Thursday, 6 May 2004 - 5:08 PM EDT

Name: Sean

But we all know that what is meant by a young-persons network is one in which the shallow reportage is done at a break-neck pace while the highest paid people in the building (aside from on-air "talent") are the graphics team.

We've already got Fox News. And if Gideon Yago crosses into legitimate news, somebody's gotta die. At least the precedent is around 50/50. John Norris went to a tabloid show and back to MTV with Kurt Loder. Karen Bryant has a gig on ABC Morning News(the 3-5 am shift) and Tabitha Soren is apparently still coasting off her "Choose or lose" campaign fame. Maybe they'll give Matt Pinfield another shot at the big time. Or wait! I've got it! The Soren Group!

I can see the network taking on a Rolling-Stone-type of slant, a publication that is also operated by a bunch of hip baby boomers. RS sucks their audience in by feigning hipness and modernity, then including an article about "Bush's bagmen" , which gave a paragraph a piece to Bush's fundraisers and inevitably only listed the bad.

Going by the RS model, I can foresee three issues that don't involve straight-on Bush bashing that "matter" to the Smirnoff Ice crowd: vague, ill-defined notions against guns, censorship, and racism. These should be discussed of course, but I cringe at anything being identified solely with youth because the audience is always changing. Then you're firing your vj-ahem-newscasters every five years.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 8:36 AM EDT

Name: Marc

the Smirnoff Ice crowd

That about sums it up.

I picked up Rolling Stone in the library specifically to read that piece, and was disappointed to find out they were talking about plain old fundraisers.

Since the 60's, there's been a tendency to assume that young people are always leftists, and I think you're right that this new network will proceed on that basis - especially since it will be run by aging leftists. But I doubt if that's true anymore. In fact, I think the biggest trend among young Americans is the rise in evangelical Christianity. That's where the niche is for someone smarter than Al Gore to take advantage of.

Friday, 7 May 2004 - 5:04 PM EDT

Name: Sean

On what basis do you make that assumption? I agree that kids now are pretty much hit over the head with rebellion, but I don't know if that translates into a movement for Christianity. Personally I think it's just another flight of fancy to feed the news cycle.

Evangelical Christianity has succeeded by hucksterism, rock star stage tricks, and watered down answers. I can tick off any number of modern marketing tricks and slogans that have entered popular culture, and I refuse to believe that because they've moved thier advertising firm to Madison Avenue that there's been some tectonic shift in the attitudes of young people.

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