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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Friday, 28 May 2004
Downstate Gatos Gordos
It certainly has been a rough couple of weeks for Allegany County, what with the prisoner abuse scandal and all. Now Jorge Ribas, chairman of the Maryland Hispanic Republican Caucus, is piling on.

Putting in his two cents on the Ehrlich multiculturalism stink, Ribas compared Ehrlich to Hitler in his pandering to poor white people who blame their problems on immigrants:

Some people would call it white trash, people who are largely uneducated. Places like Cumberland ... Ehrlich country.

It's very easy to make remarks like that by a politician to cater to this kind of crowd. It pays off for a politician. It paid off for Adolf Hitler.

But don't worry, my upstate Nazi friends, Kevin Kelly is on the case, defending Allegany County from downstate fat cats of any political stripe:
Kelly denounced Ribas' remarks as "contemptible" and invited him to tour Cumberland and Allegany County.

"Allegany County possesses a rich multicultural heritage," Kelly wrote.


Posted by thynkhard at 12:28 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 June 2004 - 11:45 AM EDT

Name: Tony

Nathan used to do a joke that he said he would open with if he was ever a stand-up:

I'm from a multi-racial family in Cumberland -- Scottish and Irish

But seriously.

ALCO actually has got bigger problems than Hispanics thinking it's a banjo solo away from Deliverence. Yesterday's Sun featured a gut-wrenching piece on the rise of heroin addiction in Allegany County, particularly Cumberland.

So, it turns out we're alot more urban than we get credit for.

Wednesday, 2 June 2004 - 4:59 PM EDT

Name: Marc

Jesus, that's a depressing story.

On a related note, a friend of my sister's was recently shot in the neck after trying to shortchange a heroin dealer.

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