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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 4 September 2003
I heard David Beckham was gay
You'll get no argument from me about how great football is. Not only is it the best sport going. In the world. Including soccer.(READ: FUCK YOU DAVID BECKHAM), it also has the best professional organization of any of the other major team sports. The problems of the NFL pale in comparison to the problems of the NBA (thuggery, boring) MLB (overpriced assholes who fail to play hard because their sport requires such little exertion that even the most worthless asshole like David Segui can make 6 mil a year and play for fucking ever, boring) NHL (what's this?).

The whole Ravens thing just strikes me as unseemly. Despite the love for the Ravens, this town isn't over the Colts yet. I would think that when you're still mourning the loss of your team to another city for petty financial reasons you'd feel at least some sense of restraint for your love of a team which your city has stolen from another depressed municipality. But, then again, football is football and I did recently pay $10 to see Morgan play Towson and was happy to do so. I refused to spend more than $5 on the Orioles this summer, and felt cheated every time. To be fair it's not really baseball's fault theOrioles suck so badly. They're a team of bums run by a bum with his head up his ass. When I think about it that way, I guess I'd probably cling to the Ravens too


Posted by thynkhard at 3:54 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2003 4:22 PM EDT
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