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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 10 September 2003
I've got questions
There's a scene in the political drama Primary Colors where, after a multi-candidate Democratic primary debate, the Carville-esque political consultant played by Billy Bob Thornton rhetorically asks his staff: "Did you see any other presidents on that stage tonight?" While I sat in the auditorium of Morgan State University during last night's Democratic debate, sponsored by Fox News Channel and the Congressional Black Caucus, that question stuck in my mind. Were there any presidents on the stage last night? Or, were those in attendance nothing more than standard-bearers in waiting?

It's more than an issue of Bush's perceived indestructibility; it has to do with who you can picture grabbing a party that is on the brink of irrelevancy by the horns. Who can you picture standing down terrorists, being firm when necessary and knowing when finesse is the more appropriate course of action? Who can sit in the situation room and be commander-in-chief of a military that is almost instinctively suspicious of the Democratic Party?

I decided not long ago that evaluating presidents based on issues, while being the most obviously intellectual method, might not be the best. Issues may change, or in the case of President Bush, emerge without getting very much press during the campaign. Compromise is inevitable and desirable in our system of government, so choosing a candidate based on his support of issues you care about will almost always lead to disappointment.

I agreed with a lot, if not all, of what was said on stage last night, as I suspect most Democratic voters did. But what the Democratic party needs now is not someone who can articulate the party position, but someone who can be an effective president. Who has the combination of strength, intelligence, executive ability and good instincts necessary to turn campaign promises into policy initiatives and eventually law? That's the only relevant question, and after last night, it remains unanswered.


Posted by thynkhard at 4:05 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 September 2003 9:49 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003 - 5:19 PM EDT

Name: Shawn
Home Page:

It's interesting that you mention that, Tony. Instapundit recently mentioned the frequency with which leaders often do the opposite of the stances upon which they were elected.

As you probably know, I'm more on the fiscally conservative side of things. As such (like so many others), I've been rankled with Bush since the massive spending increases. (In spite of the fact that my pay was just voted up by 4.1%, which I must say, hypocritically, is nice.)

I've even been telling people that I'm going to vote Democratic for their fiscal conservatism! I've heard that theory that Republicans are trying to outspend the Dems out of future dollars (which will have to go to paying down the debt at some point), but that doesn't seem very likely. It seems more likely that the Republicans have found that they like having it both ways (claiming that they won't raise taxes, and giving out entitlements like candy).

And, was Dean there last night? Some Neocons are all but salivating over him as an alternative to Bush. I want the old Dean, though, the one that wanted the SSI age moved up to 70 over time (now it doesn't look like he'll mention it again).


Wednesday, 10 September 2003 - 9:17 PM EDT

Name: Matt

Hi, Tony. Hello, other jerks.

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the debate. Law school keeps me focused more on the judicial branch, so I don't have anything particularly relevant to say in response. Although I did once write a polisci paper on three campaign movies, one of which was Primary Colors. Your mention of the movie in the context of worrying about both the electability and the substance of the Democratic candidates reminded me of the paper. I remember that the professor wrote something like this beside the grade: "Good, at times brilliant, but too often willing to rely on a clever one-liner and move on, kind of like Jerry Brown, if you know what I mean."

If Blaahg regulars are blaahgers, does that make yours jerkers? Answer: No. That answer will change if you start posting some pics of Alicia Witt.

I've noticed that some of the links in your post don't take me to the intended page. Instead, I get a Tripod error page. Weird part: the three links that feature the word "Democratic" get the error page. The other three don't.

Visit my page: Airborne Toxic Event. Or don't. I don't post much (by blog/lj standards), and when I do it's pretty random stuff. Typically: short posts with quotes from and/or links to stuff I'm into at the moment (for the past month or more often the past three seconds), longer posts about dreams I had or weird stuff that happened, and insanely long posts that are extended remixes of the other two types. Also, I review cheap beers.

Take care,


Thursday, 11 September 2003 - 9:55 AM EDT

Name: Tony

In Thomas Pattersons book Out of Order, Patterson discusses a study that shows that on the aggregate, Presidents end up keeping more promises then they break. My point is not that candidates are lying about their stances, but that, as candidates they are not privy to the same information as President. Their decisions in office must be dictated by the fact they now live in the world of political consequence, and not rhetorical flight of fancy.

Regarding Dean, I'm starting to lean in his direction, but I would also like to hear him say that he still wants to move the SSI age to 70. I don't expect it, but that fact that he ever thought this, let alone said it, shows me alot. It may be unpopular, and in the Democratic party, probably a poison pill, but it is the right thing to do.

Thursday, 11 September 2003 - 10:41 AM EDT

Name: Tony

I fixed the links on this entry. Also, Alicia Witt is superfoxy.

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