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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Friday, 12 September 2003
Death, rain, and Sigur Ros
Man...what a weird couple of days it's been. In a half awake haze, then this rain comes, then Mr. Cash kicks off...anyway.

Oh...Marc, you'll love this...and this is from the news a couple of days ago...but...since I can't keep anything in the front of my head for more than a fleeting is just coming out now.

Anyway. Supposedly the state is trying to crack down on the generally shoddy quality of the buses in this city. You both undestand exactly what I'm talking about...never on time, over crowded, falling apart (18 fucking wheels...what is that?) But, they've hired a new maintenance guy, and state wankers have been doing anonymous ride alongs just to audit the system...failures is the kicker though...those fucking bus driving card carying union members made (some of them, with overtime) 125,000$ dollars last year. Can you fucking believe that? And, and they are supposed to announce the stops they make, if their bus doesn't have one of the automated voice dealys...but most of the time they turn those things off...fucking people.

You may be wondering how Sigur Ros fits into this...well, the seasons are changing and to get through the long grey months...I listended all the way through the ( ) album last night at about 4 amazing...not really you guys' pace, but you know.

Posted by thynkhard at 3:19 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003 - 6:42 PM EDT

Name: Marc

125 large ain't not bad. You know why? I bet 40% of the drivers do all the work, and the rest call out for weeks at a time, like the good ol' USPS. What a town.

So, how much are you good for on the Steelbags? 10 bucks? That goddamn game better be on. If I have to watch Kyle Boller again, I'm gonna puke.

Friday, 12 September 2003 - 8:10 PM EDT

Name: Draper

Puke away, pukepail. I only JZ and we all know that they have exclusive coverage of the upcoming Ravens game. Fucking wankers. We may have to seek the Steelers elsewhere.

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