In a speech given to a group of Teamsters Gephardt accused Dean of sideing with Newt Gingrich during the Medicare, Medicaid debates of the mid-90s. I fear the Democrats are doing what I was worried about all along. In order to pander to their base their going to kill each other over who's more oppossed to reforming a government program badly in need of reform. Sometimes I think the Democratic primary voters are so out of touch with mainstream America that securing the Party's nomination is the worst thing that can happen to someone who wants to be president. I'd like Dean to stand up, prove his moderate credentials and drag his supporters to the electable center, but I don't think his numbers are strong enough yet. At the very least, this race is shaping up to be more exciting than Aunt Faye's world famous labor day watermelon salad.
Posted by thynkhard
at 9:54 AM EDT