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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Monday, 24 May 2004
Ahead Of The Curve (Finally!)
A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try some rye whiskey. I drink mostly bourbon and scotch, but after rereading Jim Murray's The Complete Guide To Whiskey, I was intrigued by rye.

Before Prohibition, rye was the most popular spirit in America , especially in Pennsylvania and Maryland. During Prohibition, sweeter bourbons became the whiskey of choice, and now only a few rye brands remain. Just as bourbon must be distilled from at least 51% corn, rye must be distilled from at least 51% rye, giving rye whiskey a less sweet and more spicy flavor than bourbon. To date, the only rye I have sampled is Pikesville, a product of the Heaven Hill Distilleries. I'll let Jim Murray describe it:

The rye hides behind butterscotch and leather with sweet oils trying to contain its hardness. There's a sprig of mint to lighten things, but the finish is complex with a spurt of fruit juice before the drying finale.
What he doesn't say is how cheap Pikesville is: $10 for a one-liter bottle! This is the best booze bargain you will find, and also a reflection of rye's unpopularity.

So imagine my surprise when I opened this month's GQ to find a feature on rye whiskey! The piece, on page 66 of the June issue, profiles several high-end ryes (although not Pikesville, sadly), and provides this nugget of knowledge:

Many of today's bourbon drinks (the Manhattan, the old-fashioned) first called for rye, and the original recipes have an equilibrium that will redefine such drinks for even die-hard bourbon fans.
Well, I am sipping a rye Manhattan as I type, and I concur. The spiciness of the rye makes an interesting contrast with the sweet vermouth, and I plan on ordering one of these the next time I'm out. So, to wrap up: I'm cooler than GQ!


P.S. Hey Draper, if I order rye Manhattans at Rocky Run, will you name the drink after me?

P.P.S Shout-out to Sean, Defender of Kosovar Freedom, Menace to National Guard Foxes, for providing me with several (bourbon) Manhattans this weekend.

Posted by thynkhard at 12:35 PM EDT
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Monday, 24 May 2004 - 2:25 PM EDT

Name: Liz

I'm going to have to start looking into Al-Anon groups.
Drinking at 11:30 in the morning? And, knowing you, you were working on this post around 10:30, drinking away.

Tuesday, 25 May 2004 - 12:20 PM EDT

Name: Draper

Surprisingly, well not really that surprising...we don't have rye.

But, I may be able to get a bottle there, if I bitch and moan enough.

I managed to get Pabst on tap, bitters, will soon have Mojitos on the menu, now for Rye.

I'll think about a name.


Saturday, 5 June 2004 - 2:49 AM EDT

Name: Sean

The Menace to National Guard Foxes (and Albanian Females Walking Down the Street)does what he can.

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