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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 10 September 2003
I've got questions
There's a scene in the political drama Primary Colors where, after a multi-candidate Democratic primary debate, the Carville-esque political consultant played by Billy Bob Thornton rhetorically asks his staff: "Did you see any other presidents on that stage tonight?" While I sat in the auditorium of Morgan State University during last night's Democratic debate, sponsored by Fox News Channel and the Congressional Black Caucus, that question stuck in my mind. Were there any presidents on the stage last night? Or, were those in attendance nothing more than standard-bearers in waiting?

It's more than an issue of Bush's perceived indestructibility; it has to do with who you can picture grabbing a party that is on the brink of irrelevancy by the horns. Who can you picture standing down terrorists, being firm when necessary and knowing when finesse is the more appropriate course of action? Who can sit in the situation room and be commander-in-chief of a military that is almost instinctively suspicious of the Democratic Party?

I decided not long ago that evaluating presidents based on issues, while being the most obviously intellectual method, might not be the best. Issues may change, or in the case of President Bush, emerge without getting very much press during the campaign. Compromise is inevitable and desirable in our system of government, so choosing a candidate based on his support of issues you care about will almost always lead to disappointment.

I agreed with a lot, if not all, of what was said on stage last night, as I suspect most Democratic voters did. But what the Democratic party needs now is not someone who can articulate the party position, but someone who can be an effective president. Who has the combination of strength, intelligence, executive ability and good instincts necessary to turn campaign promises into policy initiatives and eventually law? That's the only relevant question, and after last night, it remains unanswered.


Posted by thynkhard at 4:05 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 September 2003 9:49 AM EDT
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And the circle broadens...
Well itsy well, itsy well...

We have an audience now...the first outsider has found us...look busy.

I would highly recommend the Western MD connection entertaining...a bit more manically topical...but you know...a different pace...suiting the poster thereon...Sprague and Dennis and that lot...


Posted by thynkhard at 3:18 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 9 September 2003
Just got back from the Democratic hootenanny - more about that tomorrow. For now, feast your eyes on this.

Just another illustration of Orndoff's Law: everything now is worse than it used to be.


Posted by thynkhard at 11:59 PM EDT
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Times, they are'a changing...
Hey Jerks...where are you, post.

Jobby, redoing a resume and cover letter to JHU...this fucking incredible job just around the corner from my apt is still open...

Have recently been thinking that this most recent round of PhD applying coming up that I'll only send a few apps out (Wyoming, Ga. St., and Pitt)...and focus instead to get some work experience and finish my MA without the added pressure of sending a million apps out...

What that means, practically is that it's looking more likely that Charm City will be graced with my prescence not just for one more year, but two...though...well, still going to try but the way things are for applying to grad will be just too ask three professor to prepare ten letters of recc...three is more doable...will see doubt...


Posted by thynkhard at 4:10 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 September 2003
Politics, schmolitics...
Although, I don't know if you guys know or not but the Dems for Pres will be at Morgan St. tomorrow...debating and whatnought...thought I'd pass that along.

Anyway...I am fucking tired...I dunno why, somebody please give me a job.


Posted by thynkhard at 3:09 PM EDT
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Edwards: Jerk
Edwards is not running for Senate in order to "concentrate on his bid for the White House".
What a joke! It has already been said that this means Edwards is really running for VP. It also means that the Democrats will probably lose another Senate seat (the likely Democratic nominee is proven loser Erskine Bowles).

What an selfish weasel (well, he is a trial lawyer)! Yet another rich idiot who would be eliminated from politics if didn't have these stupid campaign finance laws.


Posted by thynkhard at 1:47 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 8 September 2003 1:52 PM EDT
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XFL Represent!
He Hate Me blocked a punt in the Panthers' comeback win yesterday (Stephen Davis rushed for 111 yards).

Did you know?
The Titans released Neil O'Donnell. Backing up the oft-injured Steve McNair is... Billy Volek.


Posted by thynkhard at 1:27 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 8 September 2003 1:28 PM EDT
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Saturday, 6 September 2003
Democrats release television ads
Several Democratic candidates have unvieled their first television ads...Question: Do you think people really care if a candidate comes from humble backgrounds or not? Dean's family was rich, and this is seen by some as a disadvantage for a Democratic candidate. Are people so dense as to assume that because a candidate didn't come from poverty he can't relate to the needs of middle class Americans? If I recall correctly, FDR came from an aristocratic family, while Herbert Hoover was a self-made man from humble roots. Edwards and Gephardt play their humble roots up big, regardless of whether or not this will help them, does it matter at all?


Posted by thynkhard at 11:43 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 September 2003 11:45 AM EDT
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Does this taste like fluoride to you?
The Pure Water Committee (Do yourself a favor and don't ignore this link) just lost another court case the other day. They do, however, have plans to appeal the case. Do you know it was over three years ago that Joe and I worked on that campaign to get the fluoride into the Cumberland drinking water? Three years that dried up old witch was defeated and she's still at it. She's almost not worth the effort for me to hate and hope that she dies a painful, bloody death, but then again I'm a petty, petty man...

I don't have anything against spending on Labor and Education, but if you increase spending and decrease revenue, there are going to be defeicits, that's the way the system works. So, Bush will be like Reagan; huge budget defeicits as a result of their presidency.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:24 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 September 2003 9:27 AM EDT
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I Knew Ronald Reagan...
From the angry nerds at Cato:

In the Bush's first three years, non-defense discretionary spending is up 20.8%! And it's not Homeland (barf) security stuff, either - there has been a 56% increase at Labor, and a 60% increase at Education. This is a department the Republicans wanted to eliminate not so long ago!

In comparison, Reagan cut the same spending by 13.5% his first three years.


Posted by thynkhard at 1:44 AM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003

Kerry, from last night's debate:
"the swagger of a president who says 'bring 'em on' does not bring our troops peace or safety."

So the point of American foreign policy is to keep our troops safe? I thought it was to keep civilans safe from, you know, terrorists.

The more terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Syria, et al that we kill in Iraq, the fewer there are to attack innocent people here. It sucks that soldiers get killed doing that, but it is their job, and better a soldier than some poor fucking secretary or accountant.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:32 AM EDT
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Go ahead, throw your vote away!
Barf. I have been planning to vote for Bush despite the huge expansion of the federal government, gigantic giveaways to fatcat farmers, steel tariffs, etc., because the foreign policy stuff is so important. But stuff like this makes me want to vote Libertarian again. Bush is looking more and more like the new Nixon.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:57 AM EDT
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Thursday, 4 September 2003
Mike Pringle Fan Club
The goddamned Ravens are so popular for two reasons:

1. They won the Super Bowl
2. The Orioles suck.
2a. People are stupid.

Everybody got over being screwed by the NFL real goddamned quick, didn't they? Nevermind that we had a winning team in town.

On a non-bitter note, this has always been a football town. Irsay's crimes from the mid 70's on are what turned Baltimoreans away from football. Even during the era ('69-'71) when the O's were dominant, they played to sub-10k crowds.


Posted by thynkhard at 4:53 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 5 September 2003 9:51 AM EDT
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I heard David Beckham was gay
You'll get no argument from me about how great football is. Not only is it the best sport going. In the world. Including soccer.(READ: FUCK YOU DAVID BECKHAM), it also has the best professional organization of any of the other major team sports. The problems of the NFL pale in comparison to the problems of the NBA (thuggery, boring) MLB (overpriced assholes who fail to play hard because their sport requires such little exertion that even the most worthless asshole like David Segui can make 6 mil a year and play for fucking ever, boring) NHL (what's this?).

The whole Ravens thing just strikes me as unseemly. Despite the love for the Ravens, this town isn't over the Colts yet. I would think that when you're still mourning the loss of your team to another city for petty financial reasons you'd feel at least some sense of restraint for your love of a team which your city has stolen from another depressed municipality. But, then again, football is football and I did recently pay $10 to see Morgan play Towson and was happy to do so. I refused to spend more than $5 on the Orioles this summer, and felt cheated every time. To be fair it's not really baseball's fault theOrioles suck so badly. They're a team of bums run by a bum with his head up his ass. When I think about it that way, I guess I'd probably cling to the Ravens too


Posted by thynkhard at 3:54 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2003 4:22 PM EDT
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