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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Tuesday, 16 September 2003
Pele can eat with hollandaise sauce
There's been some good news in the world of sports. The WUSA, the struggling three year old Women's proffessional soccer league has folded. I say good news not because it is a women's league but because it is soccer. Soccer is never going to be this nation's number one sport, despite what people who drive Astrovans think. I'm just glad to see anything relating to soccer fail. Next up, the MLS and then Hockey. Because I fucking hate hockey...Check out Wilbon's take on the infant NFL season...Finally, the Conneticut Sun, a WNBA franchise who moved from Orlando (where they were the Miracle) plays in an area inside of a casino. That's something, ain't it.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:36 AM EDT
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Football: Better When Drunk
Parcells may be a homo, but Jeremy Shockey is a bottom.

Maybe it's the Canadian Club talking, but that was a pretty goddamned good game. Parcells will be treated like the Second Coming for going into Jersey and giving the Giants a Dirty Sanchez, but there wouldn't have been an OT if the Cowbags had got a field goal at the end of the first half.

The 'Boys had a sure field goal with 20-some seconds left when Parcells calls for another play. It's an inbounds completion which would have run out the clock had Dallas not been called for holding. Walk it back ten yards, and Billy Cundiff misses the field goal.

Anyway, it was pretty funny to watch that clown Shockey drop two passes, including a TD, and then blame his gloves. Homo.


Posted by thynkhard at 1:14 AM EDT
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Monday, 15 September 2003
Crap, and stuff.
Ok, so the Steelers lost. Is only the second game of the season. Though, is troubling that we can have two 100 yd receivers and a 300yd passer and still lose the fucking game. I remember (fondly) a time when all we needed was 9 points and about 200 yds of total offense to secure victory. Offense is for pretty boys and the NFC west.


On another note....the Vuelta
is shaping up to be a good battle between USPS and ONCE.


Posted by thynkhard at 3:28 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
More Football Nerdery

A proposed Dolphins helmet from 1990. It looks like what they would wear if they had been in Back To The Future 2.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:43 PM EDT
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The Award For Most Fascist Logo In A Former Fascist Country Goes To...
The Berlin Thunder.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:15 PM EDT
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Gephardt goes after Dean
In a speech given to a group of Teamsters Gephardt accused Dean of sideing with Newt Gingrich during the Medicare, Medicaid debates of the mid-90s. I fear the Democrats are doing what I was worried about all along. In order to pander to their base their going to kill each other over who's more oppossed to reforming a government program badly in need of reform. Sometimes I think the Democratic primary voters are so out of touch with mainstream America that securing the Party's nomination is the worst thing that can happen to someone who wants to be president. I'd like Dean to stand up, prove his moderate credentials and drag his supporters to the electable center, but I don't think his numbers are strong enough yet. At the very least, this race is shaping up to be more exciting than Aunt Faye's world famous labor day watermelon salad.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:54 AM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
more Plates..
This one is still just a bit unfinished...but I like to keep you want involves a Red Sox Jersey

Posted by thynkhard at 8:41 PM EDT
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Death, rain, and Sigur Ros
Man...what a weird couple of days it's been. In a half awake haze, then this rain comes, then Mr. Cash kicks off...anyway.

Oh...Marc, you'll love this...and this is from the news a couple of days ago...but...since I can't keep anything in the front of my head for more than a fleeting is just coming out now.

Anyway. Supposedly the state is trying to crack down on the generally shoddy quality of the buses in this city. You both undestand exactly what I'm talking about...never on time, over crowded, falling apart (18 fucking wheels...what is that?) But, they've hired a new maintenance guy, and state wankers have been doing anonymous ride alongs just to audit the system...failures is the kicker though...those fucking bus driving card carying union members made (some of them, with overtime) 125,000$ dollars last year. Can you fucking believe that? And, and they are supposed to announce the stops they make, if their bus doesn't have one of the automated voice dealys...but most of the time they turn those things off...fucking people.

You may be wondering how Sigur Ros fits into this...well, the seasons are changing and to get through the long grey months...I listended all the way through the ( ) album last night at about 4 amazing...not really you guys' pace, but you know.

Posted by thynkhard at 3:19 PM EDT
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Bill Frist's Skeletons
Nestled within this mostly positive David Brooks piece about Frist is a very weird fact: while in med school, he adopted pets and then killed them so he could experiment on their hearts. Uhhh...

Here's that story about the grave desecration in France I was telling you about, chief.


P.S.:Frist has term-limited himself out in 2006, giving him a pretty nice heard start on '08.

Posted by thynkhard at 12:15 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 12 September 2003 12:17 PM EDT
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Death, Theft & Smilin' Joe
The man in Black


Johnny Cash died yesterday at the age of 71...

John Ritter, age 54, also died yesterday...


Four Baltimore Ravens have been robbed in the last couple of months...

Smilin' Joe

Boy, George Will (Thanks for the original link Marc) really has a way of laying things out clearly. All my reservations about a Dean candidacy, reservations I've been trying to move to the back of my mind, are thrust to the forefront by Will. Lieberman's moderation is what best qualifies him for the Democratic nomination and it is also the albatross around his neck.


Posted by thynkhard at 9:37 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 12 September 2003 9:42 AM EDT
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Yeah, It's 2:30AM And I'm Writing About Taxes
Wow. When you withdraw money from a 401k or IRA, it is taxed as normal income - when you contribute to one of these accounts, it doesn't count against your tax liability. Therefore, all the taxes that you would have paid on that income (contributed to a 401k) you still have to pay, but only when you withdraw - get it?

Anyway, the accrued deferred tax revenue on these things - to be paid as the baby boomers withdraw from them upon retirement - is 3 trillion dollars(with a 'T'). To put things in perspective, that's about the same size as the national debt. Talk amongst yourselves.


Posted by thynkhard at 2:36 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 September 2003
President Palpatine?
George Will on Lieberman's "Me or Dean" strategy.

Like Will says, if Dean takes Iowa and NH, then Gephardt and Kerry are done. But will Edwards give up, too? I think if those two guys are out, then Edwards will sell himself as the compromise candidate between Dean and Lieberman.

My guess is that Edwards stays at least until South Carolina, where he and Lieberman would split the anti-Dean vote. Will there be any stopping Dean after winning 3 primaries?

Marc Zogby

Posted by thynkhard at 5:53 PM EDT
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Well, do you, punk?
Feel lucky, Draper? Chiefs by 3 - how much are you willing to lose?

Marc the Greek

Posted by thynkhard at 4:32 PM EDT
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South Africa's Finest
Gary Anderson has a new job.


Posted by thynkhard at 4:22 PM EDT
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Acting and reacting
My feelings about 9/11 aren't entirely clear to me yet. In the scope of history, it's still a fresh event and nobody's really sure what it means yet. In twenty years we may look at that day as the begginning of a series of terrorist attacks, each one worse than the last. Or, it may be viewed as a wake-up call, the event that shook the Americans out of their post-Cold War slumber to the realization that its still a scary world and their a number of people in that world that would like to see alot of us dead. In this respect, the day could prove to be a sort of Pearl Harbor.

I haven't seen any of the news coverage today, because I've been at work all day, but I can imagine its nothing short of maudlin and garish. However, there is no escaping this day being used as a call-to-arms. The events of that day should lead to a reexamination of our country.

It's not scapegoating to say that because of 9/11, we need to get real in our pursuit of international terrorists. It's not scapegoating to say that becaue of 9/11, we have to begin a dialogue in this country about the balance between liberty and security. It's not scapegoating to say that because of 9/11, our priorities must change.

(For a look at the way the homeland security issue can be used in an election irresponsible, and dangerously, click here.)

The war in Iraq occured, in part, because of the events of 9/11. But it wasn't scapegoating and it wasn't diversionary. (Nor was it preemptive. Iraq was in the process of a twelve year breech of a UN resolution and the Saddam regime contributed to the instability in a region in which stability transaltes to saftey for the United States.) Whether Saddam Hussein had direct links to 9/11 is irrelevent at this point. The War on Terrorism isn't about isolated, targed response to only those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. It's about wiping out foreign and domestic threats to American security wherever we find them. Iraq posed a threat to American secuirty, and we took efforts to neutralize that threat. And while I don't think that attacking Iraq is going to stop terrorists from targeting this country, it was successful in two ways. It ridded the world of Saddam Husein and it served as the first step in a process of convincing potential terrorits that if you are even considering attacking us, we will retailiate with extreme prejudice.

The first and most important concern of any government is the security of its people. On 9/11 that security was breeched. If we fail to be moved to action by the events of that day, it will undoubtedly happen again.


Posted by thynkhard at 2:47 PM EDT
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