Before I get into the real heavy shit, let me just say: "Kudos Mr. D"
Two links from the Post that i would like to draw your attention to. Congress is working out the detials of a means-testing provision for Medicare. If that could get through we may have cleared the biggest hurdle preventing means testing in Social Security. However, it seems Sen. Windbag (D-MA) has problems with the measure, and threatened a veto last June to prevent it's passing. (NOTE: These "facts" may be wrong, as i've only read the article once and did not fact check this blog.)
Also, with the Pope celebrating his silver anniversary and the scheduled beatification of Mother Theresa this Sunday, Rome is chock-a-block with activities. Check out this article on Mother Theresa-mania that's sweeping the city. Also, I reccommend the Hitchens book mentioned in the article, and have a copy if anybody's curious.
Well, that's all the blogging for now. Sleep tight kids.