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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Monday, 8 December 2003
End It, Don't Mend It
Tony Kornheiser sez abolish the Bowl Clusterfuck Series:
Let me make this as plain as possible: Any football team that can't win its own conference championship can't be allowed to play for the national championship.

Posted by thynkhard at 1:04 PM EST
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Saturday, 6 December 2003
Didya ever notice how soccer sucks?
As if I needed to provide you people with more proof of why soccer is a non-entity in this country, and always will be. A team in South America has gone on a hunger strike in order to protest wages they are owed from the team's owner. The owner has, graciously I thought, agreed to give them about $11,000 of the some $40,000 they are owed, after the sale of a car.


Posted by thynkhard at 2:53 PM EST
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The Anti-Leon
This Sunday's Washington Post features a lengthy Sally Jenkins article about Patrick Ramsey. The pic on the left is possibly a picture of what Ramsey calls his most severe hit of all time. It occured last year against the Saints. After this three hundred pund plus behemoth thrust the entire weight of his body on to Ramsey, the article describes the aftermath:

Finally, Grady Jackson removed his bulk, and got to his feet, but as he walked away, he stepped on Ramsey's shin and dug his cleat into his leg for good measure. Ramsey lay there for a long moment, and then he raised himself to his hands and knees, slowly, and he opened his mouth, and he emitted a primal scream, a long guttural ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

It's worth the read, if only to see how severely he's been beaten up on this year. The Redskins have had 14 different quarterbacks in the past decade, and I desperately want Ramsey to be the future. But, if he isn't protected and the Skins can't manage to have consistency in the Coach's office, that's not going to happen. Unfortunately, what I see for Ramsey is pain in Washington, followed by a trade to a team where he can succeed, which I think he could. I like him, primarily because of his toughness and un-Leonitis. In fact, he hunts deer with a bow and arrow outside of Redskins Park on off days, and has killed three already this year. The article also describes what Ramsey looks like after a game:

"He's got so many bruises that the first thing we have to do is stop the bleeding, and get the swelling to go down," [Redskins trainer] Kleinschmidt says.

In other NFL news, Willis McGhee may see some PT this weekend. Too early? Who cares, it's the fucking Bills, and he's from Miami. I hope he gets hurt permanent


Posted by thynkhard at 12:53 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 6 December 2003 12:57 PM EST
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Grover Norquist is pissed (Hold me)
As Marc alluding to in his post yesterday, conservatives are having a hard time swallowing the Bush administration's spending frenzy. While Bush hasn't seen a loss of support amoung grassroots conservatives, he is beginning to take some heat from conservative eggheads, including Grover Norquist and places like Cato and Heritage foundation. I don't think this is going to carry any water, politically, at least not in the short term. However, if Bush continues to spend money on things outside of homeland security and the war on terror, conservatives may revolt. If it happened, you probably wouldn't see any effects until the mid-term elections in 2006 and possibly a conservative challenger to whoever Bush's hand-picked successor is in 2008. Here's a taste of the article:

But when a White House official presented this analysis to a meeting he attended recently, "I nearly laughed out loud," said Heritage's Riedl. He calculates that 55 percent of all new spending in the past two years, or $164 billion of $296 billion, is from areas unrelated to defense and homeland security. Unemployment benefits are up 85 percent, education spending up 65 percent. "It's really an across-the-board thing," he said. This has led federal spending to top $20,000 per household in today's dollars for the first time since World War II -- a jump of $4,000 in the past four years.

Two quick links form the world of politics: Al Sharpton's appearence on SNL tonight will not be seen in Iowa, due to equal time laws. What's most striking here is that there are 4 (four!) NBC affiliates in Iowa. My question is, outside of Des Moines, where are the other three? (I could do some research and find out, but they don't really pay me for that.)

Second, because we all wish it was 1995 again, Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich will be guests on Meet the Press this Sunday. Why? Probably the same reason Gingrich was elected speaker. Newt's a fun name to say.


Posted by thynkhard at 12:38 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 6 December 2003 1:00 PM EST
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Friday, 5 December 2003
Freshman House Republican Tom Feeney told the Prez where to stick it when asked for his support on the geriatric welfare bill:
Feeney, a former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives whom many see as a rising star in the party, reportedly told Bush: "I came here to cut entitlements, not grow them."

Sources said Bush shot back, "Me too, pal," and hung up the phone.


Posted by thynkhard at 2:56 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 December 2003
The New York Times Is Reading My Thoughts
Well, not really. But look at this recent NYT story about Electoral College shifts, which discusses something I pointed out in an email from August of last year:
Check this out:

-If the states go the same way as in 2000, Bush picks up 7 EC votes due to Census reapportionment, making it 278-260 Bush.

-Bush lost Iowa (7), New Mexico (5), Oregon (7), and Wisconsin (10) by less than 10,000 votes. Flipping those 4 states makes it 307-231 Bush in 2004.

My email was inspired by the Electoral College Calculator. Take a look!


Posted by thynkhard at 10:10 PM EST
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Now That's Something To Be Thankful For
Dennis Lucey was gambling in New Orleans on Thanksgiving.


Posted by thynkhard at 3:22 PM EST
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Now, eat it.
I have the 200th blog post. You guys are sure full of it today. I mean, politics, race relations, Paris Hilton (not) Naked. Come on. Come on. Anyway, academic disaster averted. Hooray for that. I talked to proff today and we worked out a plan that will le me go to school next year and still be done with this horrible MA this time next year. Here's to small miracles.

Also, am now finished with my training classes at RR. Can start making dough of my own. That is good, though am small problem having...have to scrounge up 6$ for my little waiter apron by tom.'s shift. What to do...maybe rich uncle pennybags (Joe) can loan it to me. Anyway...


Posted by thynkhard at 3:10 PM EST
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waste of space

Posted by thynkhard at 3:06 PM EST
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And just how much are those "Believe" posters?

"The city has the right to buy from whomever they want to buy from and at whatever price they want to buy from. That keeps it equal for minorities," said Sharon Bradford, president of B&B.

I don't even know what this means. Is she suggesting that the city has the right (or even responsibility?) to overpay for goods in order to help out a specific minority group? That is such a wrong-headed approach to public policy, I don't even know where to begin. A local government's primary responsibility is 1) Protect its citizens. Baltimore, though improving, does not have a good track record with this. Having been unable to master the first goal of government, they've moved on to other things. Like social engineering, with the taxpayers footing the bill.

This brings me to what I see as the second function of local government: be efficient and cost-effective. Granted, governments require taxes in order to pay for the services that most of us take advantage of, but to be so flagrant in your disregard for the taxpayers is really something. I even understand the desire to help boost minority-owned buisness. But at what cost?

When O'Malley, whom I generally like, and other city officials talk about the "Believe" program they are referring primarily to the city's drug problem. But I think it's these kinds of light-bulb incidents that prevent taxpaying Baltimoreans from being able to believe in the city, or government in general for that matter. To me this whole fiasco really sheds light on why people have been drifting toward the Republican party over the last few years. It is government's inability to gain the trust of taxpayers, highlighted by this example, that makes the Democrats (the party of government) seem so out of touch and risky. When politics comes down to who you trust with your money, the Democrats lose every time.


Posted by thynkhard at 12:42 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 4 December 2003 12:43 PM EST
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Welcome To Johannesburg
I love it when any white person expressing an opinion on racial matters is slapped down with the trump card of interracial discourse: "How do you know, you've never been discriminated against?"

Well, that might be true in Vermont, but not here in Charm City. Here's a story from the local fishwrap about how it pays to be in the majority.

It's a little tale about how the city government overpaid for lightbulbs by $40,000 in order to award a contract to a minority business. Isn't this city broke? Here's an entertaining (if you don't pay taxes here) nugget:

Last March, the Baltimore Convention Center bought 240 300-watt incandescent lamps from B&B at $7.45 per bulb, for a total of $1,788. Under the city contract, C.N. Robinson's price was 88 cents each - $211.20 for 240.
Ah, the 65% minority. And why can't I get hired by the city?


Posted by thynkhard at 12:11 PM EST
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Don't Let The Door Hit Ya Where The Good Lord Split Ya
Gregg Easterbrook, in his non-football persona at The New Republic, calls for John Edwards to quit the race. I predict calls for Edwards to quit will become a chorus if it looks like Wesley Clark had a chance to become the Anybody But Dean candidate. Edwards' departure would greatly help Clark in the South, and Edwards can probably be bought off with a promise of the VP slot.


Posted by thynkhard at 11:38 AM EST
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W3J Readership Growing Exponentially!
Ken Shepherd, of Maryland Student Legislature fame, is a sometime reader of our blog, according to Liz. She talked to him at an MSL Alumni meeting last night. Welcome aboard, Ken!


Posted by thynkhard at 11:08 AM EST
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OK, Maybe Getting Rid Of Cable Was A Bad Idea
Lingerie Bowl 2004 will be airing on PPV during halftime of this season's Super Bowl. Coaching the opposing panty-clad squads will be Jim McMahon and Lawrence Taylor. Take it from my man LT:
"This will revolutionize the way the Super Bowl will be viewed", Taylor said. "Who would not want to watch attractive women playing tackle football in lingerie?"

Posted by thynkhard at 10:36 AM EST
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Angry Talk Express, Burlington Cannonball, MapleMobile
Whatever you want to call it, Howard Dean has pulled away from the field in the Democratic primaries. Two numbers of interest from Zogby:
Dean Stretches Lead Over Kerry in New Hampshire Primary to 42% - 12%
Dean Regains Slight Iowa Lead in Neck and Neck Race With Gephardt, 26% - 22%
The Iowa lead seems slight, until you consider (as this post on PoliPundit does) that Dean is not restricted by the public financing spending limits that Gephardt is, and that the Dean campaign is going to put 5,000 people on the ground in Iowa, or one Dean worker for every 20 Iowa caucusgoers.

Couple these political facts with the free ride Dean is getting in the media (see this Hardball transcript where Dean refers several times to the 'Soviet Union' - a Quayle moment if ever there was one) - and Dean is unbeatable. The other campaigns are latching on to a post-New Hampshire strategy out of desparation, but it ain't happening.

The seven February 3 primaries are: Arizona, Delaware, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. This AP story reports:

The former Vermont governor has run TV ads in four of the states, more than any other candidate.

According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press, Dean has more paid staff than his rivals in Arizona (11), New Mexico (nine) and Oklahoma (seven). He and Gephardt have three in North Dakota.

Don't forget about Dean's internet organization and again, the lack of spending limits.

Game over, man, game over.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:12 AM EST
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