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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Friday, 2 April 2004
If you are one of those people who finds late night talk shows beneath you, you've been missing a mini-firestorm surrounding the White House and the Late Show with David Letterman. Earlier in the week Letterman showed clips of a speech Bush made in Orange County California. During the speech a young boy could be seen in the background doing everything he could to stay awake. He yawned, he cracked his neck, he streched and then yawned some more. Harmless fun, right?

Well, the next day or so CNN ran the clip and the anchor commented that they were being told from the White House that the boy was not at the rally and was edited in. Later, CNN corrected that statement by saying that the White House had commented that the boy was there, but not neccessarily seated behind the president.

So, Letterman goes on his show the other night and basically calls out Bush -- calls him a liar. Then, he gets a note from his staff, while in the middle of taping, that says CNN called to apologize -- The White House, as it turns out, had never contacted CNN.

Letterman, after realizing he had falsly accused the White House of lying, later joked that someone was going to start looking into his taxes. He also found the whole thing a little fishy:

"I mean, it just seems all just a little too tidy, just a little too neat. And now, the guy, the kid in Florida -- and his old man -- was really upset in the beginning. . . . Well, now everybody down there loves it. Everybody couldn't be happier; everybody thought it was hilarious. So you see, it's just a little too tidy. Stuff like this never ends happily, certainly not happily for me. I was waiting for the lawsuit, I was waiting to be arrested, I was waiting to be beaten to a pulp, and now, oh . . . we couldn't be happier."

The boy is scheduled to be on Letterman tonight, and anyone with a chance should check it out. The clip of the boy is hilarious, and not to be missed.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:05 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 2 April 2004 10:11 AM EST
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Friday, 2 April 2004 - 11:35 AM EST

Name: Marc

I was following this on Wonkette yesterday. And yes, I do find late-night talk shows beneath me.

Friday, 2 April 2004 - 1:34 PM EST

Name: Tony

This kinda goes along with what I was saying in the comment section to the baseball post. The White House is now handeling all press inquiries to interview this kid, I guess since his dad is a big muckity-muck with Orange County Republicans. That means that when he goes on Letterman tonight he'll have been prepped by the White House staff. Now, instead of an innocent kid who was yawning behind the president we're going to see a kid who supports Bush (and has been coached by the White House) get to tell us why on national television. Talk about no such thing as bad publicity. This is pure genius -- diabolical genius, that is.

Saturday, 3 April 2004 - 11:24 AM EST

Name: Tony

WE THREE JERKS CORRECTION: The Bush appearance and the boy are from somewhere in Florida, not California as this post indicates. Sorry for any confusion.

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