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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 7 April 2004

Match the candidate with the Shrum catchphrase:


1. "fight back, America"
2. "fighting for us"
3. "a fighter for Georgia"
4. "a fighter who's taken on the big insurance companies"
5. "strong enough to fight for us"
6. "a proven fighter" who "had the courage to take on the most powerful forces"
7. "fighting for Maryland's families"
8. "I'm a fighter" who will attack "the powerful forces that want America to continue on exactly the same path that it's on today"
A. Bob Casey
B. Mark Dayton
C. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
D. John Kerry
E. Jon Corzine
F. Bob Kerrey
G. Ron Klink
H. Geraldine Ferraro
I. Michael Coles
Hint: Read the current Atlantic Monthly.

Answers to appear in the comments. The winner will receive their choice of these fabulous bum wines (link via Dennis Lucey).


Posted by thynkhard at 10:20 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 April 2004 10:23 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 April 2004 - 12:00 PM EDT

Name: Liz

A follow-up question:

Could an opponent respond with, "I'm a lover, not a fighter" or something along those lines?

Wednesday, 7 April 2004 - 12:04 PM EDT

Name: Liz

Sorry if this comes up twice...I was having some trouble posting.

I think the only candidate who can use the word fight is Barbara Boxer. And she does.

Shrum doesn't do her campaign, though.

Thursday, 8 April 2004 - 2:52 AM EDT

Name: Sean

I concede my share of the Thunderbird, which I just found out I can't drink for ANOTHER FIVE MONTHS! At this point somebody will probably start making that stuff they make in trashbags in prison. But I digress.

I tried to google these phrases in the hopes that they would come up relatively easily. Sadly, it was not to be. Taking its various places were odes to the (apparently)long lamented cancellation of the syndicated TV show "Fight Back with John Horowitz," a Florida representative from the 21st district saying something about killing terrorists, a junior soccer league website, and, incidentally another website about killing terrorists.

Proof that Shrum needs a new act? Probably.

Thursday, 8 April 2004 - 9:58 AM EDT

Name: Marc

Why can't you drink for five months? Is it a medical thing, or one of the sacrifices you are called on to make in our never-ending fight against the Serbian menace? I can send you a good recipe for homemade rice wine.

Thursday, 8 April 2004 - 10:26 AM EDT

Name: Sean

Actually the Albanians have been imitating thier oppressors lately, as seen on CNN, right before we got extended...And yes, some crazy theory about mixing weapons, live ammo, and liquor. I don't get it either.

What I'm trying to say is send the recipe for rice wine. And some rice. It'll be like Great Escape!

Thursday, 8 April 2004 - 10:58 AM EDT

Name: Marc

Are you shitting me? They expect you to go out there and waste Serbians sober?!? I thought there were officer's clubs and all that sort of thing. I'll look up the recipe.

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