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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Friday, 16 April 2004
Kevin Smith not responsible for these "Jersey Girls"
Why, if there were thousands of deaths as a result of the 9-11 terror attack, do we keep hearing from the same four women from New Jersey? The Jersey Girls, as they are called, are everywhere. They are widely credited with the creation of the 9-11 panel in the first place, and these days are most often found alongside MSNBC's Chris Matthews. And their intent is straightforward -- to lay the majority of blame on the terror attack on President Bush and his administration.

Howard Kurtz's Media Notes takes a look at a couple of items critical of these increasingly media-savvy women. One such item, plucked from The Wall Street Journal is Dorothy Rabinowitz's online media log.

From the article:

Who, listening to them, would not be struck by the fact that all their fury and accusation is aimed not at the killers who snuffed out their husbands' and so many other lives, but at the American president, his administration, and an ever wider assortment of targets including the Air Force, the Port Authority, the City of New York? In the public pronouncements of the Jersey Girls we find, indeed, hardly a jot of accusatory rage at the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. We have, on the other hand, more than a few declarations like that of Ms. Breitweiser, announcing that "President Bush and his workers . . . were the individuals that failed my husband and the 3,000 people that day."

Matthews got reaction to the Rabinowitz piece from two of the Jersey Girls on MSNBC today. Read it here


Posted by thynkhard at 2:48 PM EDT
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Friday, 16 April 2004 - 3:00 PM EDT

Name: Tony

A more cynical blogger than me might find it funny to insinuate that these gals are lining up agents for a Lifetime Movie of the Week. A kind of Erin Brokavich with less cleavage.

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