We castigate the elderly on this blog with a regularity usually reserved for obnoxious athletes and corrupt politicians, but are we being fair?
Is it fair to impune an entire generation of people as being selfish, inconsiderate and greedy? Are all old people really out for whatever they can get, feeling no remorse about passing the buck to their children's children and beyond? Is the image of hordes of old people lined up at the government trough, eager to slurp down whatever funds they can get their hands on accurate?
In a word: Yes.
From the Cumberland Times-News:
Prescriptions for seniors should take priority
By: Fred Sanders, Oakland
Monday, April 19, 2004 10:44 AM EDTWhile reading your paper this morning. the first thing that caught my eye was "Garrett prescription program in jeopardy." The second thing that caught my eye was "State to help low-income students."
I am not the smartest person in the world, but I do know that when there is a choice between education and seniors getting prescription drugs to keep their health or save their lives this is a no-brainer.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for education and I would like to see every child in the United States get the chance to get a college degree, but I truly think that prescription drugs needs to come first.
The article I read on prescription drugs that Allegany County is going to take a bigger cut than Garrett. In my opinion, seniors should not have to do without food to pay for their drugs.
I did notice the article on "State to help low income students" did not specify how much state money was involved.
How does this sound for senior citizens? Cut prescription drugs (Federal Government says we will give you $600 towards drugs, thanks), Social Security in trouble, Medicare running out of money. Sounds like a bright future for seniors and the ones that will be seniors in the next 10 years.
Wowy, wow, wow!