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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Thursday, 22 April 2004
When Did Everyone Go Insane?
Mayor Martin O'Malley is "outraged" and "embarrassed". He has told city officials that "all of our jobs are in jeopardy". So what is the problem that has city government in an uproar?
Yesterday, the entire city learned that, for the first time in 50 years, the current recruit class of the Baltimore Fire Department is all-white.
And how did this reprehensible state of affairs come to pass?
The trouble for the Fire Department arose in November 2002 when the entrance test was last offered and a smaller than usual group took the test. In all, 836 took the test and 434 passed -- making for one of the department's smallest pool of candidates in recent years.

From that list, the Fire Department hired 40 people last year -- including 10 minorities. But when they turned to the list again this year in need of 30 more people, Goodwin said, no minorities were available.

So, to recap: A smaller than average group of people took the entrance test to become a firefighter. Almost half of those taking the test failed. Of those who passed the test, EVERY minority was hired. Then, when 30 more firefighters were needed this year, there were no more eligible minorities left.

Some have said that the above sequence of events was tantamount to "stamping on racial progress and violating the tenets of the Civil Rights Act". So this test must be a racist tool to keep minorities out of the fire department, right? Let's ask Fire Chief William Goodwin:

The department will now give a new civil service test, although Goodwin acknowledged that the one scrapped was a test "that was supposed to be one least adversely impacting minorities."
Maybe it wasn't the test itself that was designed to keep out minorities, but some other aspect of the hiring process?
"Was [the process] fair?" Goodwin asked. "It was absolutely fair. Did we follow all the civil service laws? Absolutely."
My brain hurts. I think Gregory Kane best sums it up:
You want to commit yourself to an asylum when you hear talk like this.

Posted by thynkhard at 3:42 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 24 April 2004 2:45 AM EDT
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Thursday, 22 April 2004 - 5:28 PM EDT

Name: Liz

I thought you'd be more outraged at this today. What with the tax increases and all...

Friday, 23 April 2004 - 8:58 AM EDT

Name: Tony

I'm outraged over both of these articles. As far as the firefighters go, I mean, what else can you say. I liked how, in betwen ceremoniously whipping himself as penance before the press, the chief commented that the process was, in no uncertain terms, absolutely fair. As one firefighter said, "How do you get more fair than fair?" It's like some sorta PC riddle.

And the taxes -- oh, boy the taxes. I guess I'm not that upset about them. After all, with the increase in my energy bill and a levy on my cell phone, I feel confident that I'll be better protected from crime, that the roads will be better, the streets will be cleaner and the fire department will come to my house faster.

Unless, of course, they're all white.

Friday, 23 April 2004 - 3:27 PM EDT

Name: Tony

In answer to your original question, the exact date is hard to pinpoint, but most experts agree it was somewhere around the time of Journey's first number one hit.

Saturday, 24 April 2004 - 2:44 AM EDT

Name: Marc

A big-city Democratic mayor raising taxes is kind of a dog-bites-man story. I'm still pissed about it, but I can't say I'm surprised. This town will keep on raising taxes until everyone has left but Johns Hopkins, which will then be forced to pay a 100% college tax or something.

Saturday, 24 April 2004 - 7:46 PM EDT

Name: Dave
Home Page:

I was surprised to learn that this blog is not named after my penis, but I digress...

"Some have said that the above sequence of events was tantamount to "stamping on racial progress and violating the tenets of the Civil Rights Act."

I don't know who said this and I'm not defending it. But I think that one freak example, or one bizarre quote, hardly justifies a wholesale rejection of affirmative action and civil right legislation.

If more people understood the policy of affirmative action, there would be far greater support.

Sadly, however, conservatives use freak occurrences like the above to sway popular opinion.

The truth behind affirmative action is this:

Our country is founded on the idea that we all have the right improve our lot in life through hard work and such. Equal opportunity under the law necessarily follows. However, we have a large segment of the population that was denied any opportunity for generations. Obviously the removal of legal impediments will not insistently cure generations of lost opportunity which have culminated in widespread poverty today.

This policy has nothing to do with morality or rewarding some and punishing others. Rather, it's an attempt to restore the property rights of African American that our government took from them.

Obviously, no wants quotas, which are rightfully illegal. But a policy that says "if you have two equally qualified candidates, the minority is preferred" is more than justified, it's, in fact, necessary.

Monday, 26 April 2004 - 10:47 PM EDT

Name: Marc

All of those rights you are referring to are individual rights, not group rights. Affirmative action is tribalism for our times, and as such is antithetical to the regime of individual rights and responsibilities enshrined in the Constitution.

Any individual whose property rights have been violated has recourse to the law. But how have the property rights of any black person in 2004 been violated by the actions of people who have been dead for a hundred years? Furthermore, what property rights of say, modern-day Hispanics or women, were violated by slavery or Jim Crow laws? And why don't Asians benefit from affirmative action? Hell, the government rounded them up into camps less than 60 years ago.

Affirmative action laws only serve to preserve and encourage racial animosity. The "one drop rule", originally an instrument of white oppression, now has its fiercest defenders amongst black political leaders, who defend it in order to claim as many people as possible for the class of official victims. Any attempt to break down racial barriers (such as recently defeated Propostion 54 in California), is decried as an attack on civil rights -- this from the movement which once dreamed of a nation where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".

Tuesday, 27 April 2004 - 8:39 PM EDT

Name: Dave
Home Page:

I agree that property is an individual right. It was a right that was taken away from all African Americans.

Of course, that was in the past. All slave-owners are long dead, and so are their slaves. But there are consequences and aftereffects of this past.

For example, if you compare the level of wealth today, GDP, infant mortality rates, etc. of whites and African Americans, the consequences and aftereffects of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and other discrimination are all too apparent.

I don't believe that African Americans are inferior to, or more lazy than, whites. So why are they so much worse off (on average)?

Obviously, it has a little something to do with the past, to put it mildly.

Personally, I think affirmative action is the right idea.

I'm now sure what "recourse of law" you're suggesting. Reparations?

As far as other races go, and this is a separate issue, why not encourage multiculturalism? No one wants quotas or anything like that. I don't. But I think we all gain from diversity.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 10:17 AM EDT

Name: Marc

The question is: at what point do blacks stop needing a head start (or conversely, when do we stop puninshing whites for the sins of their ancestors?)? Forever? Until blacks perform economically at the same levels as whites? What if that never happens?

Obviously, we don't all start off on a level playing field. But race isn't the only (or even the most important) factor. I'm not sure that I (born to two 14 year-old parents, and the first in my family to attend college) have a leg up on the child of a couple of PG County bureaucrats or lawyers who happens to be black.

If race is the only the thing holding blacks back, how do you explain the economic and academic success of West Indian or Nigerian immigrants compared to American blacks? They are exposed to same racism and discrimination that supposedly disadvantage every other black person.

The answer is that immigrant blacks are products of a culture that encourages achievement, while American black culture derides economic and academic achievement as "acting white" or "selling out". See John McWhorter's work Losing The Race: Self-Sabotage In Black America for the reasons why the problems of American blacks are, by and large, integral to their culture, not imposed on them from external forces.

As far as other races go, and this is a separate issue, why not encourage multiculturalism?

Does this mean we should keep qualified Asians and Jews out of elite colleges and high-paying jobs in favor of less qualified whites, blacks, and Latinos? And why not encourage people to think of themselves as diverse individuals, rather than as members of four or five racial categories?

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 4:27 PM EDT

Name: Tony

As much as I enjoy seeing Marc beat the living crap out of Dave, I though I'd chime in myself. Not to devalue this "big picture" discussion of Affirmative Action, but we'd be remiss if we neglected the fact that the Baltimore Fire Department has an Affirmative Action program that failed to produce the desired results. The tests used to screen fire fighters were designed with minorities in mind (whatever that might mean), and every black candidate who met the qualifications was hired. The question that has yet to be answered is one that firefighters in the city have been asking since this whole situation became public: How do you get more fair than fair?

If there simply is not a large number of qualified black candidates to fill these positions, is the answer to lower the standards at which new recruits are hire? Wouldn't this put public safety (the first and most important goal of any governing body) in jeopardy?

It's one thing if qualified black applicants were denied employment for no other reason than their race. But not only is this not the case, but the city made a distinct effort to hire as many qualified black candidates as possible.

Now, in order to increase the applicant pool the tests will be altered (read: standards lowered) and will be given more frequently, despite the fact that the city is in the middle of serious budget woes.

There's no racism in this case. And there's not even a lack of Affirmative Action. The problems that arise from this case do not raise the question of whether or not Affirmative Action is just, but what do you do when Affirmative Action still doesn't work?

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