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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 28 April 2004
With spring, comes new life and new unis
The Terps held their annual Spring football game on Saturday, but the biggest news was the unveiling of thier new threads. I first heard about the change from loyal reader E. Nelson of Baltimore, MD on Sunday, but wasn't able to confirm the change until today. The biggest difference between these new unis and the old (which are actually only a few years old; the news uniforms coming as part of a new apparel contract with Under Armor) is the change from stylized numbers to traditional block numbers, the loss of the throwback (and very cool) shoulder stripes and a more extensive use of black.

To be honest, when I first heard that the Terps were changing their unis I feared that black would make more of an appearance, possibly as the main jersey color or the color of the helmet. So I was somewhat relieved by these new duds. In fact, I like the black and gold piping on the jersey, and the addition of the black seam stripe is not bad, just ordinary. Note the addition of a MD flag on the shoulder, also a good move. The jersey looks alot like Miami's jersey's, which isn't bad in and of itself, but I'd like to see something more original. The change from red to black pant stripes (which remained modern) is okay, probaby because of the gold piping around the stripe. I do lament the loss of the shoulder stripes, which I felt, coupled with the modern pant stripes, helped to create a fresh look. I'm generally oppossed to stylized numbers, but these block numbers just look boring on such a dynamic unfirom.

Most importantly, perhaps, is the fact that no change was made to the helmet, which is one of the cooler helmets in college football. So, all in all, these are changes that I can live with. And considering how often uniform changes go from bad to worse (see Bengals, Cincinnati), the new Terps unis are actually pretty good.


Posted by thynkhard at 10:10 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 April 2004 10:18 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 10:21 AM EDT

Name: Tony

You know what, I take back what I said about the numbers. These block numbers helped to fuse the old and new together, which was exactly why I liked the old shoulder stripe so much.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 11:13 AM EDT

Name: Marc

Does this mean that they are going exclusively to all-red and all-white schemes? And what the hell are those weird tapered stripes coming out of the collar? Utter garbage.

And another thing... They changed the unis when Friedgen arrived, and they have been successful in them. Why would you change in the middle of Friedgen's run? Generally you make a uniform change to mark a new era, not in the middle of one.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 11:31 AM EDT

Name: Tony

Did you read this post at all? Most of your questions are answered in the original post. As for the use of all red and all white, there were pictures of players wearing alternate colored pants and shirts, so I don't think the one color scheme is set in stone. The stripes coming out of the collar are akin to Miami's uniforms, something I mentioned above. Also, the new duds are a result of the new contract with Under Armor, something I also mentioned in the post.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 3:12 PM EDT

Name: Marc

I thought you meant the side stripes - I didn't know Miami has those collar-to-cuff stripes as well.

Also, the new duds are a result of the new contract with Under Armor, something I also mentioned in the post.

You don't have to change uniforms with a new manufacturer, do you? Unless they are giving you the stuff for free, which may be the case. But I would think the Maryland athletic dept. could spring for uniforms.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 3:23 PM EDT

Name: Tony

I wouldn't think you'd have to change with a new manufacturer, but my guess is it was part of the deal. I was a little bitchy in my first comment -- sorry.

Wednesday, 28 April 2004 - 4:01 PM EDT

Name: Marc

Try as they might, Miami on the Potomac still can't match the real thing. Enjoy the Hurricanes' new 2004 unis, complete with a stripe on the back:

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