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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Tuesday, 6 January 2004
I'll take Grand Rapids and the points
With only 7 NFL games left, these are somber days. And yet I am the bearer of good news. Dry those tears, and put that sawed-off shotgun back in its easily accessible, unlocked drawer. For the AFL is back to ease your football blues. Training camp will be under way for all teams by the end of January, with the first televised game being February 8th at 3 pm on NBC.

Now, Tampa's playing Orlando, but I'm sure we'll get stuck watching the Rampage play the Force, or some other piece of garbage game.

ANYWAY, after minutes of exhaustive research, here's the good word: The Philadelphia Soul (whose Cheerbabes are called Soulmates) open their season by hosting the fellow-expansion New Orleans Voo Doo (whose Cheerbabes are called Dolls) on February 8th, 2004 at 3pm in the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia. $10 will get you in the door, with decent seats going from somewhere between $10 and $30.

Giddy Up!


Posted by thynkhard at 1:42 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 January 2004 1:50 PM EST
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Tuesday, 6 January 2004 - 4:59 PM EST

Name: Marc Bon Jovi

These guys are like the Cowboys of the AFL - 7 of their 16 games are televised.

Anyway, your prices are off - single game tix are $3 more. But we can still get 25-yard line (weird) seats on the first level for $33.

I say we all go and make a day of it - tailgating and all. We can take pictures and blog about it - it will be a W3J report on the Violent World of Arena Football. February 8th is a Sunday, so we should be able to get our act together and get there.

P.S. - we will need our Jerks Cubed shirts for this event, in lieu of press passes - wait a minute, we should try to get press passes! I'll look into it.

Tuesday, 6 January 2004 - 5:59 PM EST

Name: Marc

I have signed up to get on the AFL Media webpage, and am awaiting approval.

Did you know that in the AF2, you could potentially watch a game between the Wardogs (of Columbus, OH), and the Steeldogs (of Birmingham)? Wacky.

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