Clark's entire campaign strategy was based on Dean winning Iowa handily and then facing Dean in New Hampshire in what would be essentially a two-man race. Clark was counting on an anti-Dean sentiment, guessing that voters may begin having second thoughts about Dean's ability to beat Bush. Instead, Dean took third in Iowa and now Clark is just another candidate, and not a very good one at that.
At a recent campaign rally, controversial filmmaker Michael Moore appeared alongside Clark accusing President Bush of being a "deserter." Clark said nothing. (Click here to read Moore's original letter posted on the DraftClark Website.)At the debate he was given considerable opportunities to repudiate Moore's comment, but refused to do so. News stories hence have been about Clark's campaign losing steam.
As I see this, there are two ways to interpret it. First, Clark is a novice candidate being exposed as not really knowing what he's doing. Further, the leadership skills he claims to own are called into question when he refuses to denounce a popular, but wrong, supporter. If he can't tell Michael Moore he's wrong at the risk of losing whatever support he's generated from the left, then can Clark be counted on to stand up in the face of adversity for what's right.
Another interpretation places blame primarily on the media. The media has propped Clark up for months in the hopes of finding an interesting race to cover. However, I think they lack respect for Clark for the same reason that so many people were drawn to him in the first place: because he's an outsider who hasn't played the game before. Now that Clark has committed a somewhat minor and arguably irrelevant gaffe, the media has gone at him hard in order to expose him as being in over his head, an assumption they've probably had since the beginning.
Honestly, I don't know which of these interpretations is more accurate, or if they're accurate at all. Maybe Clark's number's are dropping simply because Kerry's now viable. Whatever the reason, I'm predicting Clark finishes fourth in New Hampshire, and doesn't make it to Super Tuesday.