The past couple of weeks, Jonathan Chait of The New Republic has written the Dean-O-Phobe, a blog devoted to pointing out Howard Dean's flaws. Yesterday, he posted his last entry, saying both Dean and the idea of "Deanism" are finished. However, Chait isn't too excited about the alternative:
Finally, John Kerry takes all the fun out of Dean-o-phobia. Indeed, if there's anybody who could make Dean attractive, it's Kerry. Kerry is a miserable candidate, bereft of political skills, and possessing of a record and a persona tailor-made for Karl Rove. The Republicans will merely have to say about Kerry what they said about Gore--that he wants to be on every side of every issue, that he's culturally out of touch with mainstream America, that he's a pompous bore--and this time the sale will be easier, because all these things are far more true of Kerry than of Gore.And:
I'd take Kerry over Dean, but it's a choice of defeat over disaster, akin to--as my colleague Frank Foer puts it--the Republicans selecting Bob Dole over Pat Buchanan in 1996.There's your slogan, Democrats: John Kerry - the Democratic Bob Dole!
Posted by thynkhard
at 2:39 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 29 January 2004 4:45 AM EST