Via Christopher Horner at National Review:
On January 24, before the first vote was cast in New Hampshire's Democratic primary, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) endorsed Senator John Kerry (D., Mass.) for president. Weeks earlier, in an entirely unrelated matter, the Heinz Family Foundation provided an "unrestricted-use" grant of a quarter million dollars to a group represented on the LCV board.Specifically, the Heinz Foundation awarded a $250,000 Heinz Award grant to Peggy Shepard of West Harlem Environmental Action in December. Shepard sits on the board of directors for the national LCV.
From the Heinz Foundation press release:
In addition to the $250,000 award for their unrestricted use, recipients are presented with a medallion inscribed with the image of Senator Heinz. On its reverse side is a rendering of a globe passing between two hands, symbolizing partnership, continuity and values carried on to the next generation.Marc
Posted by thynkhard
at 4:31 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 29 January 2004 4:34 AM EST