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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Wednesday, 8 September 2004
Electoral Engineering
Topic: politics
Thanks to the only man I know who owns an Electoral College t-shirt - the one and only Joenado - for sending me a WSJ story on possible electoral nuttiness.

The focus is mainly on the Colorado initiative to split that state's electoral votes proportionally - an effort sponsored by Democratic backers hoping to pick up a few more electoral votes for Kerry. But a nationwide proportional system would still have resulted in a Bush presidency:

But if this system had been in effect nationwide in 2000, Mr. Gore would have edged out Mr. Bush, 269-263, with Ralph Nader picking up six electoral votes, all in large states. This would have thrown the election to the House, where Mr. Bush presumably would have won.
But even if the Colorado initiative doesn't pass, there is still an opportunity for the election to go to the House:
Shifts in electoral votes and the realities of an evenly divided nation mean there is a credible case that the final tally in Bush vs. Kerry could be 269-269 -- an outcome that would throw the election to the House of Representatives.
If all states repeat their 2000 outcomes, except for New Hampshire and West Virginia going Democratic, the result would be a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College. You think the Democrats were mad last time? Just imagine how they would react to a president elected by Congress!

But wait, there's more! The prospect of a rogue elector has reared its ugly head:

South Charleston Mayor Richie Robb said today he may vote against George W. Bush in the Electoral College, even if the president carries West Virginia's popular vote.

Robb, long known as a maverick Republican, said he is considering using his position as one of the state's five Republican electors to protest what he believes are misguided policies of the current administration.

Exciting stuff.


Posted by thynkhard at 8:37 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 September 2004 - 4:29 PM EDT

Name: Liz

With an election this close, we will definitely have a party on election night to watch the results!

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