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jerk fellation
We Three Jerks
Saturday, 18 September 2004
I am decidedly NOT lovin' it
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: foolishness
As some of you out there in Jerkdom may know, I recently moved down to Charles Village. Now, in addition to being within walking distance to Eddies market (home of delicious deli sandwhiches and decadent bannanna pudding), I get off the bus on 29th street right next to a McDonald's and a Kentucky Fried Chicken.

(Interesting sidenote -- The KFC on 29th still has the words "Kentucky Fried Chicken" on the building. Chicken restaurateurs are under strict orders from the Colonel these days to present themselves as KFC's, in order to hide the fact that their product is fried. It still is fried, mind you, but they'd like you not to think about that so much.)

ANYWAY, Yesterday evening I submitted to temptation and went to McDonalds. Truth be told, I don't believe I've enjoyed a visit to McDonalds (except for breakfast), for a long time. But I'm a junk-food junkie, and fast food just sings to me sometimes. Now, I know what you're thinking. A McDonalds at 29th street is probably not going to be the best dining experience. But, to the contrary, it was clean, not at all crowded and the staff was relatively friendly, prompt and courteous. But here's the rub. My order was wrong, which is not all that surprising, except for the way that it was wrong.

I had ordered a double quarterpounder with cheese and a six piece McNugget. When I got home, everything looked fine, except my double quarterpounder with cheese box had a single quarterpounder with cheese and my six piece nugget box only had four nuggets. That's not even an item, as a matter of fact. The four piece nugget is a kid's meal nugget, but that's really besides the point.

My question is, was race a motivating factor in this Fast Food Fiasco? I can't prove anything, and in fact the young lady who waited on me was friendly and quick. But these seem like odd discrepencies. Remeber, it wasn't like I placed my order and got three cheeseburgers and a couple of pies instead. All items were in their correct box, they were just slightly off. And two screw-ups like this in one order? Just seems Filet-o-fishy to me.


Posted by thynkhard at 11:49 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 September 2004 12:08 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 September 2004 - 5:33 PM EDT

Name: Nat X
Home Page:

Yo, Cracka'! That picuture is messed up. That white chick's technique is all wrong!

Down with whitey.

Monday, 20 September 2004 - 2:09 PM EDT

Name: Sean

Just read a great book on the fast food industry, Red Meat Cures Cancer (in the Syrup vein). It's about a guy in the third place fast food franchise who is told he needs to get a certain percentage of market share or he doesn't get his pension. He resorts to undercooking the burgers, paying off district attorneys, making the outlandish claims of the title, and other really reprehensible practices.

His boss is a Civil War Reenactor whose last name is fanoflincoln.

Monday, 20 September 2004 - 9:56 PM EDT

Name: Marc

Maybe they were just imposing reparations.

I've actually had a pretty good run of MickeyD's service lately - Burger King has been the real disgrace.

Excellent picture, BTW.

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