Topic: schadenfreude
This is too good to be true. Apparently the city partied just a little to hard yesterday celebrating the Ravens ugly injury fest of a football game over the Steelers. So when the sleepy eyed hung over city sat down on the toilet for that first Kool of the day, something bad happened. There was a rumbling in this fair city's bouls and then boom,
It blew out four or five manholes in the area and firefighters found smoke and flames shooting from one of the manholes. Cartwright said the fire damaged high-powered electric cables underground, including a cable that feeds the traffic light system.
Apparently, there was an underground fire somewhere near Guilford and Fayette and it blew the tops of four or five manhole covers, in addition to killing about 500 city stoplights. Should have been a fun morning rush for you people with jobs.
Posted by thynkhard
at 12:49 PM EDT