Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 10:48 AM EDT
I swear to God. THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Never, never, never. There will be no last minute ticket switch, unless there is an actual medical emergency. (Of course, you'd never believe them if they said it was an actual medical emergency.)
I will say this, however. If Kerry is even with Bush in Maryland, this election is going to be brutal. The Democrats really failed by nominating Kerry, in my opinion, becaue I get the sense that people arent' sold on a second term for Bush, but are reluctant to switch commander-in-chiefs in the middle of a conflict. If the Dems had given us someone to vote for, rather than a conduit for anti-Bush sentiment, those people reluctant to dump Bush might have been pushed over the hump. As it stands now, I suspect a close popular vote and a clear majority for Bush in the electoral college.