Now maybe it's because I'm reading All The President's Men right now, but am I the only one who thinks it wouldn't be beyond reason to think Karl Rove may have had something to do with this. There are a great number of rumors out there about Rove, including a bugging incident that occured during a Texas gubernatorial race in which a bug was found in his office that many believe was planted there by Rove himself. Many of these rumors can be found in the book Bush's Brain, which has recently been adapted into a film.
The thing about Rove is that no one has been able to find a solid link between these types of activities and Rove. But that's just what you'd expect from the Diabolical Genius, now isn't it?
I don't know, I'm not normally a black helicopters kinda guy, and maybe it's the Nixonian paranoia seeping in. (I mean, I did just indirectly accuse Rove of ordering a series of arsons). Honestly, I think the more likely explanation is that it was some nutcase who, perhaps inspired by the new Che Guevara movie (Anyone out there interested, check out the review of this film, starring Gael Garcia Bernal, star of international acclaimed Y Tu Mama Tambien in the latest GQ. Referencing the casting, the author writes: "In terms of audience appeal, the right-wing equivalent would be Keanu Reeves as the idealistic young David Koresh, or maybe Justin Timberlake playing gallant, pensive Timothy McVeigh."), thought he'd take revolution into his own hands.
If Rove or the Bush campaign was involved, I doubt setting the signs on fire was part of the plan, probably just some low-level vandalism. The other explanation, that it was directed by the Kerry campaign, doesn't hold much water for me. Not only would it be incredibly stupid, but I don't think that campaign would be able to pull something like this off.
So, back to the flaming signs at hand. Don't worry about the Bush supporter whose sign was destroyed. He, like his president, is steeled in his resolve in the face of terror:
"I'm not going to be weak and let them control my life," McQuarry said.
After all, if McQuarry takes down his yard sign, then the terrorists have already won.